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More Races Per Class

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:58 pm
by Godfrey
Not a big issue by any means, but are there plans to have more races selectable in each specific class? For instance, Friars. There are only Brits/Highlanders available, despite Avalons also "saying" it's available but not actually. No one will ever really use a Highlander as a friar, which leaves 99.8% to be all Britons. Will Avalons become available later? I've noticed with a few classes/races that, they are not "greyed out" as not being available but when you create, it doesn't actually create that toon.

Re: More Races Per Class

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 9:28 am
by Lindraskada
the current engine that its running off allows more options since this patch, so they arent greyed out, but will fail when made.

and also, as they were added later, i doubt it, as while some are "fun" some will give advantages and will prob remain locked

Re: More Races Per Class

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:12 pm
by Godfrey
Well, idk if it would be much of an advantage. I mean some are just silly, HO wizard, Firb Ani, Highlander Friar, these are just basically meme choices that people make for fun, but offer no real advantage. Some could say more life, but from my experience, they die just as fast, despite having more con at the begining.

I think it wld just help "mix" things up a bit more. 90% when you see a Avalon, you know its a wizard, Incannu or Saracen you think sorc.

Re: More Races Per Class

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2022 10:43 pm
by Ganaka
I made this same request on Discord and on the forum.