How to play on Lutris [Linux Guide]

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How to play on Lutris [Linux Guide]

Install Lutris game launcher
You can skip this step if you already have Lutris installed
  1. If your system supports flatpaks you can install Lutris via the following command

    Code: Select all

    flatpak install flathub net.lutris.Lutris

Installing the game onto Lutris
You may skip this step if you have already setup the DAoC within Lutris
  1. Download DAoC's executable.

    Code: Select all

    cd ~
    wget "" --directory-prefix="Downloads/"
  2. Run lutris and add a windows game, choosing ~/Downloads/DAoCSetup.exe as the installer and "Eden DAoC" as the name.
  3. Continue to the installation but do not pick run game now after the installer completes.

Updating DAoC
If you have picked a different identifier/path than "eden-daoc", make sure to follow the instructions acordingly.
  1. Go to the game's configuration and update the executable to ~/Games/eden-daoc/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/Electronic Arts/Dark Age of Camelot/camelot.exe. This is to fix the executable as it defaults to the uninstaller.
  2. Start the game once to launch the DAoC installer.
  3. Go through the full install process to install the base game.

Installing Eden launcher
You may skip this step if you have already installed Eden's launcher
  1. Download the launcher

    Code: Select all

    cd ~
    wget "" --directory-prefix="Games/eden-daoc/drive_c/users/steamuser/Downloads/"
  2. Go to the game's configuration and update the executable to ~/Games/eden-daoc/drive_c/Pusers/steamuser/Downloads/EdenLauncher.msi.
  3. Start the game once to launch the Eden installer.
  4. Go through the full install process to install the launcher.
  5. Update the executable to ~/Games/eden-daoc/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/EdenLauncher/EdenLauncher.exe

Registering a handler script for the edenlauncher mime type
Okay, so lutris doesn't support application links by default. We'll have to manually add support for it.
In order for any changes to the Lutris game configuration to apply, you'll have to follow these steps again to regenerate the script.
  1. Run one of the commands below depending on if you installed Lutris from Flatpak or not.

    Code: Select all

    # Flatpak installation
    flatpak run net.lutris.Lutris lutris:rungame/eden-daoc --output-script ~/Games/eden-daoc/

    Code: Select all

    # Native installation
    lutris lutris:rungame/eden-daoc --output-script ~/Games/eden-daoc/
  2. Now add support for passing arguments to the application by adding "$1" at the end of the last command in ~/Games/eden-daoc/

    Code: Select all

    # Command
    gamemoderun /app/bin/wine '/home/{user}/Games/eden-daoc/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/EdenLauncher/EdenLauncher.exe' "$1"

Register the script
Now its time to let your operating system know about the application link
  1. Create a mine handler file in ~/.local/share/applications/Eden-DAoC.desktop. The file will be different depending on if the installation is Flatpak or not.

    Code: Select all

    # Mime handler for flatpak installation
    [Desktop Entry]
    Exec=env LUTRIS_SKIP_INIT=1 flatpak run net.lutris.Lutris --exec "Games/eden-daoc/ %u"

    Code: Select all

    [Desktop Entry]
    Exec=env LUTRIS_SKIP_INIT=1 lutris --exec "Games/eden-daoc/ %u"
  2. Associate the mime handler by runing the command below:

    Code: Select all

    xdg-mime default ~/.local/share/applications/Eden-DAoC.desktop x-scheme-handler/edenlauncher
  3. Double check that the application was associated
    There should be ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list entries that look like one of the following:
    • x-scheme-handler/edenlauncher=Eden-DAoC.desktop
    • x-scheme-handler/edenlauncher=/home/{user}/.local/share/applications/Eden-DAoC.desktop
  4. You may need to run the command below for your system to see the changes

    Code: Select all

    update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications/

Run the game!
You may need to restart your browser for application links to register.
  1. Start game in Lutris or Go to how-to-play and click play
  2. Chose "Eden-DAoC" as the application to launch with

Hopes this helps! :) Feel free to contact me on Discord if you need help. @HugKitten
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Re: How to play on Lutris [Linux Guide]

Thanks a lot for writing it out! I will pin this!
Amnesia is the best button in the game.
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Re: How to play on Lutris [Linux Guide]

Thank you for this guide. I am not able to get the FloatingMessages.exe window to be visible while playing. If I switch to it, I can see the floating messages above my desktop background. But it seems like something isn't working to make the floating messages window actually show up above the DAOC window.
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Re: How to play on Lutris [Linux Guide]

Any idea on how to perform "FloatingMessages.exe" to work with lutris ?
I managed to install daoc with eden on lutris on my linux Mint, I launched it, and i can access to my char.
But when i log my char, i have a square around my char, hidding it, with the last background seen (loading page). It seems that FloatingMessages.exe is not working properly in lutris linux.
Someone have any idea to make it worked ? :)

[EDIT] Typing "/floatingmessages hide" in game permit me to play without it :) if someone find a way to have it, be my guest ;) Until then, i'll play without it ^^
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Re: How to play on Lutris [Linux Guide]

Hello! Thank you for this guide.

I am running into an issue that I cannot figure out. When trying to complete the handler script steps, after installing Lutris via flatpak, I am receiving an error.

The error:

Command 'fluidsynth' not found on your system. I have gone ahead and sudo apt-get install'd Fluidsynth but it is still not working.

Did I miss a step or something?
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Re: How to play on Lutris [Linux Guide]

minessia wrote: Mon Dec 25, 2023 1:23 pm Any idea on how to perform "FloatingMessages.exe" to work with lutris ?
I managed to install daoc with eden on lutris on my linux Mint, I launched it, and i can access to my char.
But when i log my char, i have a square around my char, hidding it, with the last background seen (loading page). It seems that FloatingMessages.exe is not working properly in lutris linux.
Someone have any idea to make it worked ? :)

[EDIT] Typing "/floatingmessages hide" in game permit me to play without it :) if someone find a way to have it, be my guest ;) Until then, i'll play without it ^^
That's a good tip. I honestly had no idea that floatingmessage.exe even existed. When I run it, I see a loading animation followed by nothing. I assume floatingmessage.exe is an overlay that crashes on Linux? If so, your best bet is messing with winecfg or trying a different flavor of wine/proton. I'm a little too busy to look into it right now, but please let me know if you find something that works!

Edit: You can click on the game in Lutris and at the bottom press the up arrow and click "Wine Configuration". Try playing around with the options in the Graphics tab.
Last edited by Sarah on Mon Jan 15, 2024 1:18 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How to play on Lutris [Linux Guide]

Thorq wrote: Sun Jan 14, 2024 10:23 pm Hello! Thank you for this guide.

I am running into an issue that I cannot figure out. When trying to complete the handler script steps, after installing Lutris via flatpak, I am receiving an error.

The error:

Command 'fluidsynth' not found on your system. I have gone ahead and sudo apt-get install'd Fluidsynth but it is still not working.

Did I miss a step or something?
What do I do when I get a warning involving missing Fluidsynth dependency?
You already messaged me on discord, but I'll leave this message here for anyone who needs it. It seems that this error happens because Lutris is unable to meet a dependency on Ubuntu based distros. If it bothers you, you can install the dependency yourself through your distro's package manager. For Flatpak installs, you may need to add it as a runtime extension. You should however be able to safely ignore the error so long as the launcher starts up properly, and the script gets generated. Check ~/Games/eden-daoc/ for the script, and run it once to see if it works properly.

For Ubuntu/Debain users, you can install the missing dependency using the following command:
For other distros, you can follow the instructions here

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install fluidsynth
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Re: How to play on Lutris [Linux Guide]

It is great to see OP taking the time to put together this guide. Thank you for the work. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work for various reasons.

I ended up using the Bottles flatpak and lutris 7.2.2 version of wine.

1. Had to also install flatseal and give bottles access to ~/Downloads
2. In bottles went to dependencies and added dotnet 4.8 (not sure if needed, thought I read that dotnet was required for eden)

Other things I did, but I dont know if they really matter. I turned off esync and I also disabled the anti cheat 2 options.

Then just installed everything like normal and Bottles automatically redirected to browser and launched game after logging in (and updating the client the first time).
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