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CL Melee abilities w/ incorrect text

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:47 pm
by 9avbbbu
Hi, at least one of the CL melee abilities seems to have incorrect in-game text.

Foe Splitter indicates that it is a follow-up to Retaliation, which can be used when you block. Retaliation works after a block, but Foe Splitter will not work even directly after a Retaliation. After some testing I could reproduce that Foe Splitter actually works off of when you parry, and this is what it says on the Eden Charplan. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be this way, or which one is right, but I wanted to show that there is a discrepancy. A video is below:

You can see that even after swinging a Ret, my Foe Splitter won't work - though it always works after I have parried.

Because of this, Foe Splitter and Concuss are exactly the same ability - they both have the same stats and proc 30 fire dmg after a Parry.

Steps to reproduce should just be on any class that can gain these abilities - I tried on a few characters all with the same results. Let me know if I can provide more info and thank you!