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Quest Journal Inaccurate

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2022 6:02 pm
by Rabarz
This is a bug that has existed on every freeshard and I kind of just assume it can't be fixed, but since you guys did the impossible and fixed the respec/changing spells I figured I would enter it.

In the picture you can see I have 4 quests/tasks. Parth and Parcel is duplicated. In reality the top Parth and Parcel is a quest to kill Ants, but the display is bugged out and it shows incorrectly. If I log out and back in it will show correctly.


After Re-Log:

Remove quest- deleting incorrect open world quest

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 10:57 pm
by Funkatron
When trying to remove lower level quests from my log, I found that the quest "Camparcorentin Forest Explorer: Bounty Hunter (level 20-24) to kill the Oaken Knight removes DIFFERENT random open world quests from my log.

I tested this several times and confirmed that the Oaken Knight quest remained at the top of my quest log when trying to delete it, and instead the quests "Lyonesse Explorer: Ghostly Townfolk (level 30-34)" and then "Lyonesse Explorer: Ghostly Farmer (Level 30-34)" were removed instead in that order.

This was on a level 32 Minstrel, not sure if that matters.

Additionally, it seemed to randomize the order of quests in my log as I removed lower level ones. Not sure if that's related. Thanks for all your hard work getting this server up and running guys, super excited!

Combat text in Quest Log

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 9:13 am
by Evenodds
There appears to be combat text in quest log.

Midgard Quest Text Bug

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 7:42 am
by TrollXY
Small text bug in the quest text here, seen in the screenshot attached.

Re: Midgard Quest Text Bug

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2022 8:32 am
by Bethel
Thanks for pointing this out, we are aware of the issue and will be doing a big revamp of the quest journal!

Re: Remove quest- deleting incorrect open world quest

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2022 5:17 pm
by Gothmakh
Same for me.
I tried to delete quests that I did not finish in a previous battleground. Instead of removing these quests, other quests have been removed. I continued doing this. I am now in a state where I only have my "Hills of Claret Dauntless" quests in my journal. I cannot finish these because I am level 20. It is not possible to deleted these 3 dauntless quests.

Can't delete BG quest from my Quest Journal

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2022 8:40 pm
by [KotH]Mac
At 18, I took my Wizard to with a group doing the quests.
We did all of them but the Bounty one...turning them in leveled me to 19.
By that time we had enough Trinkets to summon the giant, so we did so.
On the way to the CK, we killed the named that completed the the last quest.
We took the CK, which leveled me to 20.
On the way back to the PK to turn the last quest in, I was killed by a sneak.
It was past my bedtime and most of the group had left, so I just released, not really caring about the last quest.
Since I couldn't go back and turn it in, I tried to remove it, but found that I was unable to.
Perhaps it may be because it is a completed quest - who would ever want to remove a complete quest, right ?
I logged off and back on, still couldn't delete it.
I exited the game and re-ran it, still couldn't delete it.
I went to bed, slept, got back in game, still couldn't delete it (this was after the reboot, since my missing teleporter is back).

Name of quest is: Killaloe Dauntless: Bounty (Level 15-19)

Not only do I wanna report this as a bug, I also wanna get it deleted from my quest journal. :D

BTW, it gives me the "Are you sure" dialog box when I try to remove it, it just won't remove it.

Thanks !!!

Re: Can't delete BG quest from my Quest Journal

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2022 5:27 pm
by Marcus
Will be resolved when devs are able to do a deep dive on quest journal code. It takes quite a long time to fix.

Cannot Delete Completed Quests from BG's

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 8:39 am
by Asphix
I have 5 completed quests from bg's that i out leveled before i was able to turn in. i cannot delete them. when i try if i have any new active quests those quests are deleted instead. i can provide screenshots... but dont think that will help with anything. i kno this is a known bug. i just keep getting told its fixed and keep loosing active quests that i have progress on. is there a way this can be announced or recognized so we stop wasting our time? i love you guys and know you are doing so so much. just hope there is a way we can mitigate wasting all of our time, including yours. cheers.

To clarify it appears that all completed quests you dont turn in before you level out of bg become permanently bugg'd. when you try to remove them based of in game mechanics of click on the text body of the quest it does nothing. however, if you have other BG quest from your current level range, it will delete the next active available quest. removing the quest and all progress for that quest.

relogging, changing toons, etc does not have any effect on this contrary to /advice channel support. Maybe there is a way to announce this so i am not the only one to suffer. well i kno a lot of people are suffering from this.

This also impacts your ability to see active quests. with 5 bugged quests, when i hit an area/s with more than 10, which has happened, some quests wont show up until i complete and turn in. limiting my adhd time saving. :) haha love you guys and know a lot are going on. hope, if you dont know about this, this report helps at least a little.


Hib Shannon Est Waylaying bug

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 3:51 am
by stewbeedoo
A very minor issue but the quest journal displays combat info from the last mob killed.
crit bug.jpg