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Caby or Necro

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:47 pm
by TyGeR
Last season my 3 year old cousin started playing. I made him a pet spec Enchanter and he really enjoyed it. Being he's younger an doesn't know what all the buttons do, the pet could do most the work while he ran around killing grays, greens, blues, ect. We're playing Alb this season an I need to make him another toon. The Caby seems to be the closest thing to the Hib Enchanter, but I didnt know if a Necro would be the same or better? We'll level up together, but once get him to 50 an get him some good gear, he'll do his own thing most the time. Ill set up his pet/buff bar, so he can cast an buff his pet, an then he sends the pet off to do its job an just presses random buttons....

So for something like this, would Caby or necro work best?

Re: Caby or Necro

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:48 am
by Vildi
Personally, i'd stick with the cabby. Like you say it is the closest to the chanter you cousin played, the necro, as OP as it can be does take a bit of understanding (more so than a cabby) for a 3 year old, knowing that your spells cast through the pet, the lifetaps, range tether etc. At least with the cabby you can send pet and you cousin can visual to watch his character cast spells and such rather than just bob up and down like a necro.