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Bacon's 2 Cents, Feedback Edition

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 4:19 pm
by Baconpancake
Hey Eden-Team!
First off, i love this server, the idea behind it, the patchset, all that jazz.
I really can't find any big things to dislike.

Second, i collected some ideas and wanna propose them to you.
Maybe we'll find some common ground or inspiration.

- a way of /bank on the go, similar to official server

-adding the new colors from omni-dyes from official server to eden

- account vault in relic towns or more spaces than capital

- giving melees more love against CC.
either by streamlining cost of Determination to be streamlined with other passives,
giving more melees stoicism or other ways.

- RA Decimation Trap: making the trap visible, like on official server maybe.

- Frontier Explorer Quests: any way to make the lowbie levelers faster after fights,
as the lower versions of "speed of the hunt". You could make a lowbie-exclusive version with higher speed or something.

- an easier way to add mobs to the "Spirit Prism", which are not listed on it.
or an easier way to request those additions, for you and us.

- an easier way to report missing spells on mobs/potential pets for you and us.

- adjusting the "recommended level range" on the spirit prism.

example: Mentalist, Level 50, 19 Light Spec. pulse charm can safely hold mobs between 35-42ish.
Recommended range by Spirit Prism: 43-47. In my experience, automatic mode in this iteration is not good.
I would not go above 25% resist rate for max level calculation in automatic mode instead of 33% for example.