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Melee Warden Temp attempt

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 4:31 am
by Bola
First shot at doing this.. I think it came out okay. Im sure there are things people will want that I didnt fit in..

But here it is..

127 / 106 Strength
109 / 101 Constitution
107 / 106 Dexterity
72 / 81 Quickness
0 / 75 Intelligence
0 / 75 Piety
0 / 75 Charisma
0 / 75 Empathy
391 / 400 Hit Points
5 / 26 Power

Melee Speed: 9%
Melee Damage: 19%
Style Damage: 4%
Armor Factor: 50%
Fatigue: 5%
Healing: 10%
Health Regen: 20%
Mana Regen: 5%
Endurance Regen: 1%

Resists (Racials not included)
30% Crush
31% Slash
28% Thrust
26% Heat
25% Cold
27% Matter
27% Body
28% Energy
26% Spirit

14 Blades
14 Blunt
0 Regrowth
0 Nurture
0 Parry
5 Shield


Name: Fierce Mantle
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 90.66
Source Type: Quest
1. (Stat) Strength: +18
2. (Stat) Quickness: +16
3. (H.P.) Hit Points: +40
4. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +2
5. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +2
6. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +5
7. (Resist) Energy: +7%
8. (Resist) Thrust: +7%

Name: Dragonsworn Decorated
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 56.66
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 35 of 37.5
1. (Resist) Heat: +3% [(Rough) Heated Shielding Jewel]
2. (Resist) Matter: +9% [(Polished) Earthen Shielding Jewel]
3. (Resist) Body: +7% [(Imperfect) Dusty Shielding Jewel]
4. (Stat) Quickness: +28 [(Perfect) Airy Essence Jewel]

Name: Vine Covered Galla
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 96.5
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +24
2. (Stat) Dexterity: +24
3. (H.P.) Hit Points: +50
4. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +3
5. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +5
6. (Resist) Crush: +2%
7. (Resist) Slash: +2%
8. (Resist) Thrust: +2%

Name: Eternal Ret
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 80
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +3
2. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +3
3. (Resist) Cold: +5%
4. (Resist) Crush: +5%
5. (Resist) Heat: +5%
6. (Resist) Slash: +5%
7. (Resist) Thrust: +5%

Name: Sabatons of Shard
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 113.33
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Strength: +22
2. (Stat) Constitution: +22
3. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +4
4. (Bonus) Style Damage: +4
5. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +7
6. (Resist) Crush: +5%
7. (Resist) Slash: +5%
8. (Resist) Thrust: +5%

Name: Spell Marked
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 59.66
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 37.5
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +13 [(Imperfect) Vapor Essence Jewel]
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +76 [(Perfect) Blood Essence Jewel]
3. (Resist) Crush: +9% [(Polished) Fiery Shielding Jewel]
4. (Resist) Spirit: +7% [(Imperfect) Vapor Shielding Jewel]

Right Hand
Name: Azure Crusher Dragon
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 105
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +10
2. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +5
3. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +4
4. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +10
5. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +10
6. (Resist) Crush: +1%
7. (Resist) Energy: +1%
8. (Resist) Slash: +1%
9. (Resist) Spirit: +1%
10. (Resist) Thrust: +1%

Left Hand
Name: Brimstone Anarchy DF Large
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 129.66
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +10
2. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +10
3. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +4
4. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +4
5. (Bonus) Fatigue: +5
6. (Skill) Shield: +5
7. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +10
8. (Resist) Crush: +3%
9. (Resist) Slash: +3%
10. (Resist) Thrust: +3%

Two Handed
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 0
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 0 of 33.5

Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 0
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 0 of 33.5

Name: MoH Quest
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 90
Source Type: Quest
1. (Resist) Body: +5%
2. (Resist) Cold: +5%
3. (Resist) Crush: +5%
4. (Resist) Energy: +5%
5. (Resist) Heat: +5%
6. (Resist) Matter: +5%
7. (Resist) Slash: +5%
8. (Resist) Spirit: +5%
9. (Resist) Thrust: +5%

Name: Lurid Mantle
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 79
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +18
2. (Stat) Constitution: +18
3. (Stat) Quickness: +18
4. (H.P.) Hit Points: +50
5. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +3
6. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +3
7. (Stat Cap) Cap Quickness: +3
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +50

Name: Netherworld Flower
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 75.66
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +10
2. (Stat) Dexterity: +10
3. (Stat) Constitution: +10
4. (Stat) Quickness: +10
5. (H.P.) Hit Points: +50
6. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +3
7. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +3
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +3
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Quickness: +3
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +50

Name: Soulbinder
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 102.75
Source Type: Merchant
1. (H.P.) Hit Points: +35
2. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +40
3. (Resist) Body: +7%
4. (Resist) Cold: +7%
5. (Resist) Energy: +7%
6. (Resist) Heat: +7%
7. (Resist) Matter: +7%
8. (Resist) Spirit: +7%

L. Ring
Name: Glimmer Striker
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 83
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Strength: +15
2. (Stat) Dexterity: +15
3. (Stat) Constitution: +15
4. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +3
5. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +3
6. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +3
7. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +3
8. (Resist) Slash: +10%

R. Ring
Name: Oblivion DF
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 93.5
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Strength: +15
2. (Stat) Dexterity: +15
3. (H.P.) Hit Points: +30
4. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +10
5. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +5
6. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +5
7. (Resist) Heat: +6%
8. (Resist) Matter: +6%
9. (Resist) Spirit: +6%

L. Wrist
Name: Gatekeeper Bedlam DF
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 76.16
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Constitution: +22
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +0
3. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +10
4. (Bonus) Healing: +5
5. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +5
6. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +30
7. (Resist) Body: +4%
8. (Resist) Cold: +4%
9. (Resist) Energy: +4%

R. Wrist
Name: Gatekeeper Bedlam DF
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 91.16
Source Type: Merchant
1. (Stat) Constitution: +22
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +60
3. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +10
4. (Bonus) Healing: +5
5. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +5
6. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +30
7. (Resist) Body: +4%
8. (Resist) Cold: +4%
9. (Resist) Energy: +4%

Name: Deserter Ade[t
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 78.66
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +5
2. (Stat) Dexterity: +5
3. (Bonus) Health Regen: +20
4. (Bonus) Mana Regen: +5
5. (Bonus) Endurance Regen: +1
6. (Myth. Cap) Cap Strength: +5
7. (Myth. Cap) Cap Dexterity: +5

Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 15
Source Type: ROG
1. (Power) Power: +5
2. (Stat) Dexterity: +15

Re: Melee Warden Temp attempt

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2023 2:53 pm
by tidbittler
Looks decent. What spec will you be doing with this?