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Stats on ROg have changed since i made template

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2023 3:33 pm
by Drughen
- Spell / Style / Skill / Item Name: Insightful demonicthick padded leggings
- Steps to reproduce the bug: N/A
- Screenshot: see how the stats are now in screenshot. dont have one from before since i didnt think it would change.

have a screenshot from Zenkcraft which i added its 2 of the same stats but that was reported in october and havent been fixed so guessed that would be in the game also another stat dissapeared.

- Combat log if applicable: N/a
- A video link: N/a
- The coordinate of the bug (by using /loc): N/a
- A link to any source that can be trusted if applicable: N/a
- Anything else that might be helpful: N/a

In short:
- What is the bug: The item had one set of stats when i made temp now 2 stats has dissapeared
- Provide the source/data you used to verify it as a bug: made a template in zenk that had 49 af for tanky bd now it has 33af
- How can we reproduce the bug: N/A
- How would a fix look like: I want to have back the item as it was.