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August 28, 2022 - Week One of Alpha & Molvik

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:00 am
by Marcus
Eden Players,

What a week it has been! With the alpha launch last Saturday, it has been absolutely action packed. Thank you to everyone who has taken up arms and joined the fight for their realm! The reception and participation far exceeded anything we could have expected.

Let's look at the numbers...
1200+ players concurrently playing on day one
5000+ accounts created from 63 different countries
26,000+ characters created
1.6 million fallen in RvR battle
593,314 Albion RvR deaths
523,721 Hibernian RvR deaths
558,830 Midgard RvR deaths
Over 9000 Discord users

Server Stability
One thing we want to highlight is the stability of the server. We saw completely smooth gameplay with 500+ players all in the same battleground fighting tooth and nail for their realm right from day one. We have had no server crashes and reboots have been primarily for fixes and introduction of new content.

Major Fixes List
The community has done an amazing job at finding and reporting issues as they play. It is worth noting the vast majority of fixes, not listed below, have been minor tweaks and tuning. Other than the prickly stealth opener damage fix, the core player skills and abilities have required little to no adjustments.

Here are some other areas of improvement based on player reports we would like to highlight:
- Spells changing on quickbar when leveling up.
- Launcher support for linux and deprecated OS windows 7 among countless other adjustments and quality of life features added to the launcher for all Eden players!
- Across the board tuning and adjustments to increase PvE xp and rog drop chances.
- Across the board tuning and adjustments to increase BG xp and rog drop chances.
- Countless bug fixes across the board.

Your bug reports matter! Please keep submitting any issues you find here: viewforum.php?f=29

It's time! Level Cap Increases
We are ready for the next phase of alpha! Thanks to the amazing community participation, and an insane effort from the development team, we will be raising the level cap incrementally over the next week all the way up to Molvik. Please continue to play and submit feedback from all levels and aspects of the game 1-39!

Level Cap Schedule:
Sunday the 28th - Level 29 - Braemar
Tuesday the 30th - Level 34 - Wilton
Friday the 2nd - Level 39 - Molvik
Each level cap increase will take place that day at 5pm CET / 11am EST.

Open World Quests
We are proud to introduce a brand new questing system for players in open world pve. We wanted to provide a system that is both fun and engaging, while still giving you choice in where you want to explore and pve.

Every zone will come with a set of quests geared for every 4 levels. These quests are tuned for solo-small man players, but they can be completed by any group size. They are sized so that a solo player could complete a quest in a reasonable short play session (10-30 minutes). In every town of every zone, there will be a quest giver who holds all of the quests available to a player for that level.

We will include a list of zones and their quest level ranges. This means that a player can simply visit any town in a zone with an appropriate quest level range.

For example, a lvl 22 player in Midgard could visit any of the following zones and find level appropriate quests:

- East Svealand [10-25]
- Vale of Mularn [10-25]
- West Svealand [10-30]
- Gotar [10-35]
- Muspelheim [20-45]
- Myrkwood [20-35]

This allows players to choose where and how they would like to level, while still giving guidance through published zone and level ranges in game, and subsequently quests with exact monsters (both regular and named mobs), so that a player always knows exactly where they can go to find level appropriate pve.

This new questing system is currently being built, but expect to see the full system rolled out over the next few weeks!

Eden Staff