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Concern about Server

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 2:59 pm
by Dragian

I would like to start by saying I am enjoying the server, and the way it was planned out. I would then like to discuss what I see as problems and then suggest some possible solutions.

You(Devs) decided to allow keeps and tower takes to be simple and offer a decent if not large number of RPs. People took advantage of that, and now have at least 1 mil RPS from keeps and towers alone mind you this was done in what 1 month of server open. Those of us coming behind them with the current changes cant even take 1 keep or tower. I do not want keeps and towers to flop so much, but they should be at least able to be taken in a decent time frame, 30 minutes to take a keep undefended is way to long... defended... 30 minutes seems somewhat reasonable depending on numbers and organization of defenders. After these changes you did not reset relics or keeps, forcing Hib for example to go DAYS without being able to open ports and get things back... eventually it happened but it should not have been that hard. When these changes were made people petitioned you to make changes, it did not happen in what some would consider timely.. when you could have just rolled back those changes and done some more didnt. That being said, the numbers of the server are not as high as they were while they are not low... populations are way off balanced, leaders of Hib are trying to prove a point and its damaging the balance even more. There is really no penalty for swapping realms, you can own houses on all realms, you can swap realms at the drop of a hat, people are not covering chats or putting delays in twitch streams, its just overall pretty sad. Also because as the server matures and less people need currency as they have templated out charc's its become harder to get credit for these without waiting for days, even if you try to lead a Galla for example you may get 50 people, making the GSP mobs damn near impossible to get past meaning you dont get credit.

In closing I think that some changes are going to be needed in the future for PvE content in order for new players to want to come out. I think that requiring a 1 hour window before changing realms should take place. I think that you need to reset relics and make some more small changes or how keep and towers are working. Lastly I think it may be time for leaders of the realms to meet with Dev's to discuss changes before they are made, IE: Polemo/Pushy/Leroy/Gilbloom/Pilzpower ETC. This would make sure that the player base is happy and even if nothing else it gives understanding to why a change is being made. Im sure I didnt cover everything and I kind of jumped around a bit here, but something will have to give in order to get things somewhat back to normal. I appreciate the work that has been and continues to be put in to the server, and I look forward to what the future brings.
