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Sobekite Eternal community - or lack thereof

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 4:49 pm
by illusive
I think that the Sobekite Eternal dungeon needs to have more of an incentive for people to run it. At least for on Midgard, for the past 2 months I haven't seen one group be able to get formed to do it.

I have been told its because of the currency increase from the other traditional raids, which is fine I think that helps fast-track people to end game but, I do think there needs to be more of a reason for the general population to do Sobekite Eternal runs. As it stands now there's essentially zero people (at least on mid) that want to do the dungeon.

The general mindset is that "why do Sobekite for 'shit RoGs' when you can do blank" While I think that is just a misconception on most people's parts, some people aren't as in depth when it comes to creating custom templates so high Utility RoGs aren't on their priority list.

I think you can balance this by increasing the amount of Luna Coin you get from running Sobekite Eternal, allowing people who just want Traditional Raid Loot to exchange the Luna Coin for their Epic Dungeon, Legion, Dragon etc. while still allowing people seeking out high Utility RoGs to make the best template they can, essentially merging the two communities to have equal incentive to do the Sobekite Eternal dungeon.

Adding some sort of increased incentive to do Sobekite Eternal shouldn't affect Traditional raids from being formed and ran because some people will not even be interested in learning the 8 man dungeon, allowing the people who are interested to form groups and walk people through it and it be worth their time, especially during off-peak hours where you cant even get enough people to run a traditional raid.

I think this added incentive will also help 'spice up' end game templates allowing for more customization rather than everyone running the same ''cookie cutter,'' "Meta" gear from ''Currency Items'' with only a select few being able to afford the rare high Utility RoGs. I feel like someone shouldn't have to grind traditional raids for a week waiting on "Prime Time" hours and someone to run the raid for them just to be able to template a new character.

Sobekite Eternal allows for smaller groups of people to farm for End Game loot and currency without the need of 60+ people then waiting 2-6 hours to for repop on traditional raid bosses. It is also not 'easy' enough for any group of 8 to complete the dungeon without learning first the mechanics and setups for each encounter within the dungeon so as not to oversaturate the market with "Currency" and mass amounts of high Utility RoGs.

TL;DR - Sobekite Eternal needs more incentive to be ran by the general population.

I come in peace - Thank you for your time.

Re: Sobekite Eternal community - or lack thereof

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 9:42 am
by JuanBall
It would be a great idea to add exclusive purchase items for people to buy using Luna coin for example Atlantis Artifacts(gear, not quest items) of all the things Mythic did wrong with TOA in my opinion they got artifacts right. it would add a interest in doing the dungeon

Re: Sobekite Eternal community - or lack thereof

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 10:43 am
by Mørz
Totally agree with the lack of interest on Sobekite.

Many options could be interesting to increase the interest on the dungeon :

Option 1 :
- Up the luna coin rate to make it less useless compared to traditional raid.

Option 2 :
Looking at players farming Sobekite at the moment, it seems they are farming for ROGs. Wouldn't it be a thing to add a system based on diablo system ? Where you can speak to a NPC and ask him to generate an oriented stats ROG or just random generation like :

Tank ROG couldn't have Int
Heal ROG couldn't have Str on it
Random would be full random like it is right now

And all those ROGs could be generated with Luna Coins.

Re: Sobekite Eternal community - or lack thereof

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2023 3:19 pm
by June
we need people in the open world, not in some instance. Keep sobekite like it is, don't turn it into DS 2.0 which was garbage