<SNAFU> :: North America RvR

Seeking for a guild ? Find it here.
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Joined: Sun Nov 20, 2022 1:57 am

<SNAFU> :: North America RvR

What We Are:
Friends who have been together since Phoenix and played on Celestius before Eden. We run with the zerg, outside the zerg, small man, 8v8, and anything else you can think of. We're not concerned with labeling ourselves, and we want to have fun before any other considerations. We focus on doing as best we can without the pressures of the typical 8man.

What We Aren't:
We're not going to review every fight, win or lose. We'll identify big mistakes, and maybe discuss strategies, but that's never going to come down to film review or anything else so serious. Bigots, drama queens, elitists, and assholes need not apply.

What We're Looking For:
A few like-minded people on whatever visible classes appeal the most to you. We're trying to run a set composition, swapping players in and out, but like I implied above we're flexible.

When We Run:
- Monday - Friday, 7:30 PM Eastern - 12:00 AM Eastern
- Any amount of time in those hours is fine, none of it is required in its entirety

Contacting Us:
/who snafu will get you an invite, if you want to discuss something first, reply below, PM me here, or ask anyone in guild for Roger.
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Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2023 3:34 am

Re: <SNAFU> :: North America RvR

Will the guild do/involved in raids, SI dungeons, DF raids, Dragon raids, epic quests, CL dungeons, PoC grps, and small Dungeons like Spindella, and BGs like Thid, Molvik, Leirvik, Cathal? Also what guild buffs does the guild activate normally, xp, rps, or crafting spd? Will there be a guild house?
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