Thane SC best stuff

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The Greenfather
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Thane SC best stuff

Hi, I play a Thane 50 with 50SC 42Shield 39weapon
I actualy wear the epic armor set form king's quest.

What would be the best armor / shield / cloak etc for this spe ? Dragon armor set ? Crafted ?

I know there is infinite possibilities but I am just asking for general guidance.

Thank you all.
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Re: Thane SC best stuff

Dragon Armor will be your best bet for now, eventually you will want to get a mix of crafted/SC'd armor and dragon armor.

For the rings/cloak/gem stuff you will need to see what stats you're missing and check the various merchants for what works best. (Tuscarian Glacer, Bounty Point, etc.)
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Re: Thane SC best stuff

I bet,he dont need an Advice over a Year later :D
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