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Keep Guards

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 9:41 pm
by Amurdora
There are a ton of keep guards. That's bothersome but if that's how you want to do it okay. I'd like to see it reduced but whatever.

What isn't whatever is how their mechanics are working.

1) Archery guards do WAY too much damage, especially in the battlegrounds.
2) If you approach a keep/tower and an archer draws on you and you stealth he doesn't just reset. The second you unstealth, for any reason, he hits you instantly. This means it's impossible to be in a keep and use charges unless you are totally hidden. It means you can't go near a keep/tower when running because the guard will lock onto you and pop you until you've been killed, even after running out of range in my experience.
3) Coming back to 1, guards are more lethal in a BG than players are.
4) There are very limited places one can climb into a keep and kill without a zerg nearby or a BG seigemaster. A good part of Assassin's work should be happening in keeps. Even if you reverted all of these changes and halved the guards in a keep it's still a very lethal place to work. With outter oil closed off there are already safe spaces people can be, both inside the keep and outter oil, that we don't need a swarm of highly lethal guards adding to it.

Guards should be an aid to players in a keep, not a true defense force that severely limits solo/duo assassin play. I'm already taking a big risk by being in a keep, by making guards the way they are now you're severely limiting the ability for stealthers to be in keeps which has, since the earliest days, been something that was the assassin playground. I think back to the days when one had to craft in Cruach/Bled/Beno and assassins would kill players then. Guards shouldn't do better than players at keeping other players out.