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Mercenary - Thrust v Crush dmg

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 10:23 am
by Voldraxx
As so many people are asking about choice of weapon for merc and people are simply accepting the wisdom that thrust is best for merc i am posting this information so you can make an informed choice. I will be comparing Saracen Thrust v Ogre Crush.
Ogre has 10% dmg bonus due to stats
Crush is calculated 100% from str, Thrust is calculated from adding (str+dex) / 2
Max Ogre str is 397
Max Saracen str/dex / 2 = 357+365 / 2 = 361
(lvl 50 with 104 bonus from stats + max buffs inc 25% buff bonus)
Difference is 36 (roughly 10% dmg bonus)
Differences in armor dmg is roughly 10% per category (Vulnerable = +10% dmg, Neutral = 0%, Resistant = -10% dmg)
With this information we can see how each performs against each of the Armor groups on Hib and Mid as follows:

Hibernia Scale (Crush Resistant -10%, Thrust Neutral 0%) + Ogre stat bonus +10% = Thrust 0%, Crush 0%
Hibernia Reinforced (Crush Vulnerable + 10%, Thrust Neutral 0%) + Ogre stat bonus +10% = Thrust 0% , Crush +20%
Hibernia Leather (Crush Vulnerable + 10%, Thrust Neutral 0%) + Ogre stat bonus +10% = Thrust 0% , Crush +20%
Hibernia Caster (Crush Neutral +0 )%, Thrust Neutral 0%) + Ogre stat bonus +10% = Thrust 0% , Crush +10%

Midgard Chain(Thrust Vulnerable +10%, Crush Neutral 0%) + Ogre stat bonus +10% = Thrust 10%, Crush 10%
Midgard Studded(Thrust Resistant - 10%, Crush Neutral 0%) + Ogre stat bonus +10% = Thrust - 10%, Crush 10%
Midgard Leather(Thrust Resistant - 10%, Crush Neutral 0%) + Ogre stat bonus +10% = Thrust - 10%, Crush 10%
Midgard Caster (Crush Neutral +0 )%, Thrust Neutral 0%) + Ogre stat bonus +10% = Thrust 0% , Crush +10%
As you see there is only ONE armor vulnerable to thrust (mid chain, and thrust will be even with crush dmg against this due to superior stats of ogre crush) against ALL others it is worse sometimes as much as 20% worse in pure dmg.

Other Factors
Ogre merc has 2% defence penetration advantage and 150 weaponskill advantage
Saracen merc has 2% bonus to block,evade, parry and better weaponskill with shield
As thrust you have access to moment of Zen which is an Absorb debuff proc weapon, this is a big advantage of thrust, BUT it has to proc and you will have only access to a 17% celerity charge. MOZ is a 4.3 speed weapon, and if wielded in offhand allows you to use 4.2 speed CL10 weapon in mainhand for 4.2 spd thrust debuff.
As Crush you have access to searing warhammer which has 25% celerity proc (8% better) this is a 4.4 spd weapon. With 20% haste and 25% proc and max quickness you can reach the swing speed cap of 1.5 seconds making this a great weapon.

This is written from the perspective of fighting alone or in smallman where you are only melee dmg dealer. The real value of thrust is for Armsmen and Paladins because 2Hthrust is100% str dmg. If you fight with them then aligning debuff on thrust would be good, BUT armsmen and paladins using 2H are not optimal on a melee train and should be peeling most of the time (DW has 25% def pen advantage v shields). Your melee train should be three crush mercs :P

Re: Mercenary - Thrust v Crush dmg

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 2:40 am
by Thorn
Thrust has the best weapons and the worst templates. Pain for gain.

HO can self-cap 4.3 with celerity, maximised charge buffs (3 item timers) and 11 qui cap. Other races can do the same with celerity, d/q and a haste pot (2 item timers, and cheaper per use).

HO has the highest Thrust WS.

Therefore Thrust HO is the best merc 8-)

Crush is a fun option though, anytime stun opens some off-meta specs.