Wrong salvage

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Wrong salvage

I have added this a month ago into the Savage post link but with no response I have now made new topic

Some Items with wrong salvage value Bronze

Golden Sword
Golden Shield
Salamander Tail
Barbed Tail Sword
Kirklesis's Flail
Miasmic Pick
Desert Venom Hammer
Desert Venom Vanquisher
Desert Venom Flogger
Mace of the Zenith
Lightning Embossed Studded Helm
Smoldering Ash Sleeves
Shadow-bound Leggings
Traitors Helm
Melos's Wave Sword
Desert Shadow Sword
Hermes Golden Sleeves
Hermes Golden Shield
Hermes Golden Vest
Hermes Golden Chestpiece
Hermes Golden Vambraces

Long Bow of the Gale (Salvage item not set, contact GM!")

All of the ToA Gale weps salvage for bronze bars wrong value

( This is based on items I have salvaged myself I am sure the mobs have more items that salvage wrong in there item table. )
Last edited by Cralendo on Wed Apr 24, 2024 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wrong salvage

First entry

Golden Sword

Code: Select all

"material" : 7,
7: bronze metal bars

Why do you think this is wrong?
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Joined: Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:36 pm

Re: Wrong salvage

I believe the above items have been overlooked by the Live DAoC Staff in regards to value of above items this also maybe due to no player feedback as the items may not have been desirable and hard to obtain when TOA was active, the mobs that are needed to be killed to obtain above items are from level 50 to 70 and the items are from level 47 to 51, bronze bars as salvage for items from mobs of high level and items of high level does not seem to be in line with the correct salvage formula, this is why I believe above items to be wrong salvage, I believe there are a lot more items in TOA that seem to have the same salvage value not just above items but I have based the information on items that I have salvaged myself, I am unsure how many players this matter effects but it does effect me as I have had a lot of above items and just destroyed them due only giving bronze bars and copper for selling to a merchant.
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