Koth border no longer "tags" those outside that attack those inside

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Koth border no longer "tags" those outside that attack those inside

Bug: Until a few weeks ago, if you were outside the Koth border and you attacked someone inside the Koth border, you would be "tagged" and be given the message you needed to enter the koth area or die. This is no longer working and there have been no patch notes to suggest that the change was intentional. If this change was intentional, please just let us know :)

Evidence: This should be fairly easy to observe during any Koth, but here is a short clip of a Scout shooting me inside and not getting the effect. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wdq_kzDOj-c

Reproduction steps:
Go to Koth event
Stay outside the border
Use an offensive ranged ability on someone inside the border
You will not gain the status effect telling you that you have a short period to move inside the border or die

Correct / Expected behavior: After using an offensive ability on one someone inside the Koth area while being outside the Koth area, the player should be tagged as if they were inside the Koth area and had walked out.
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