AoE Farm Spot?

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AoE Farm Spot?

Hello, I made a necro to get some gold to start, but I'm missing a good spot. I actually wanted to go to Lyo and farm the Pygmy, but the spots there are completely destroyed, does anyone know a good spot to farm gold?
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Re: AoE Farm Spot?

yea, I made a cabby and leveled it to 46 to farm pygmy but they pretty much drop nothing not sure whats going on with that. Currently running around the world looking for a spot having no luck pretty disappointed :(
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Re: AoE Farm Spot?

Think staff doesnt really want that.

Dont wanna rate it in anyway, got pros and cons.

The main Pro is that ppl dont farm solo/duo and make alot of money, but its all a fluid group stuff, open to whoever wants to get things done.
Its more casual friendly.

If you re necro and caby, and group up i highly recommand beach spots in gwyddneau.
On phoenix this was Spot No1.
necro pulls, caby kills.
But you cant pull to many mobs on this server if you run too far from center of mob spawm

when i ran there the other day, i thought: "Mhhh this could be worth it".
but dont have ppl with cab/necro to try it
so maybe you two try it

necro strcon debuff pull circle , caby dot run, necro puts pet close and dots

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Re: AoE Farm Spot?

we cant farm on this server, all spots ridiculous (found few in TOA but weird mob often heal themselves) but why u want kill 10 yellows mob a minute when often only 1 green named enough to earn few P ??? just check marketplace ;)

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Re: AoE Farm Spot?

never try with cab, but mau of bastet in stygia maybe
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Re: AoE Farm Spot?

Have you tried avalon city?
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