why is cheating allowed?

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why is cheating allowed?

Using AHK makes the game useless, why bother creating a server if nothing can be done to ban cheating?
Because yes, these scripts are pure and simple total cheating.
I laugh when I read people who, in order not to accept this state of affairs, make themselves believe that they are not cheating.

L'utilisation d'AHK rend le jeu inutile, pourquoi vous obstiner à créer un serveur si rien ne peut être fait pour bannir la tricherie ?
Parce que oui, ces scripts sont purement et simplement de la tricherie total.
Je rigole quand je lis des gens qui, pour ne pas assumer cet état de fait, se font croire qu'ils ne trichent pas.
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Re: why is cheating allowed?

use the ingame recorder?
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Re: why is cheating allowed?

Short answer is: because people suck without it!

And DEVs love to give losers some toys for competition.
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Re: why is cheating allowed?

This drivel again.

Devs obviously do not view it as cheating since they implemented the functionality right into the game. But keep on playing without it if you think it gives you some imaginary merit points...

My view is that recorder makes the game better by removing some of the old useless jank (and theres still plenty left).
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Doc / Xolus
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Re: why is cheating allowed?

Because yes, these scripts are pure and simple total cheating.
Nahuryl wrote: Thu Feb 29, 2024 3:10 am
And people laugh at posts like these when claims are made and examples aren't given. You made no point points.

If you believe AHK makes the ENTIRE game useless...you're missing out on a lot and need to find people to play with.
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