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[Spellcrafting] missing gems

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2022 1:20 pm
by Keelta
Hello !
On midgard there is no :
  • "Brilliant Rune" => Spell Focus
  • "Finesse War Rune" => +1 Melee skills
  • "Finesse Primal Rune" => +1 Magic skills
No idea if the equivalent on hib/alb are implemented

Sources : patch notes v 1.72 daoc and my LGM spellcrafter

Re: Craft List Bugs

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2022 7:51 pm
by Lethanas
Delve on crafted arrows is wrong.

For example barbed footed flight arrows has - while these should be the best crafted arrows:
Damage: light, Range: short, Accuracy; Reduced

Same with other high tier Arrows. Did not check lower quality arrow types.

Recipe for BLUNT footed flight arrows yields actually BARBED footed flight arrows and vice versa.

Re: Craft List Bugs

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2022 12:37 pm
by Lethanas
I am not able to skill up clotworking by crafting orange trinkets. I suspect, that same applies to other material skills and recipes, but did not check.

In my case I made around 80 orange "nightshade bedroll pillow" and not getting a single point in Clothworking , being at 768 Clothworking.

Re: Craft List Bugs

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 1:05 am
by Krippi
Crafting Reinforced armor does not grant metalworking skill in Hibernia.

I crafted the following:
leaf tacuil gauntlets (15 skill)
leaf tacuil boots (45 skill)
leaf tacuil leggings (65 skill)
leaf nadurtha gauntlets (35 skill)
leaf nadurtha boots (65 skill)

and maybe a couple others...None have granted metalworking skill.

Doing equivilent crafts in albion...reinforced armor at the lowest teir gave metal working.

I cannot vouch for higher teirs of crafts, but these low ones are not working properly. They should grant metal working on skill up if not capped.

Below is a SS of a craft.

Edit: I am most likely guessing this is due to hib requiring strips and not metal bars. So if you craft with strips this should cause metalworking to level up.

Re: [Spellcrafting] missing gems

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2022 3:26 pm
by Marcus

Re: Craft List Bugs

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 12:50 am
by Sixin
On hib, training in leatherwork does not correctly show 'saddlebag' recipes.
Screenshot 2022-11-26 174824.jpg
Also, pretty please remove liners from scale/plate/chain

Re: Craft List Bugs

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 6:50 am
by Grim
Wrong Salvage return from Elm Kite shield (hibernia)

Crafted Elm Kite Shield, went to salvage it and instead of getting Elm wooden Boards, I received Rowan Wooden Boards.

Sigil / Dragonsworn studded (alb) uncraftable

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 7:18 am
by Lygma
Arcanium studded Sigil/Dragonsworn armor cannot be crafted, there is a 0% chance to craft with 1107 Tailoring


Arcanium Dragonsworn Marked Lamellar (all pieces, studded) - Craft Fails Repeatedly

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 4:31 pm
by Skiidzman
Arcanium Dragonsworn Marked Lamellar Sleeves, Legs, Gloves - Craft Fails Repeatedly
This whole studded section may need a pass through QOL check.

Title says it all, I am max LGM Tailor on Albion, when attempting to craft this, I have tried over 25 times and it will begin to craft, finish, but always fail.

I'd provide a SS, but honestly to reproduce just have a gm pop in-game, buy mats, and attempt it 10+ times and you will see its not craftable. I'm down 1.3p so hopefully a fix comes soon... throttled my gains :(

PM Asphyx in-game if needed. Thanks!

Failing to craft Sigil/Dragonsworn Studded Armor (alb)

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 9:43 pm
by Le'Kev
I can't craft ANY of the Sigil or Dragonsworn Studded Armor on Alb

1100 Tailor

It just fails without losing materials, from grey Gloves to yellow Arms
On the screenshots i'm at 60+ attempt in a row but i went to 114 fails