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Bard: Where do we go from here?

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 1:51 pm
by schizophonic
So, I have what I think is a nice template. It does its job to the best of its ability. But what is the best thing going out there that is possible? There are tons of items, many of them new with the addition of astral items etc, however, what is available specifically for the bard class seems to have hit a ceiling in that there are many options but that doesn't mean they are good.

Many choices are just not viable to include because they will wreck an entire template and are not worth including based on utility. So I find myself asking, what if anything is or can be the bard meta? What is currently considered the best template possible ignoring rarity or price if it could be put together?

What are the obstacles that can be surpassed with creativity or determination? Because I feel like I'm getting lapped by other comparable classes, sometimes literally. SOS can now even be interfered with by some kind of channeled snare eliminating that advantage (or so it appears.)