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No Information for End Game

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 6:44 pm
by daemini
Hello, I've been playing since Season 1, and Season 2 started. Just alts, and leveling them currently. I have a few 50s and I need to start thinking about getting end game items and things done. There is not a lot of information on the web about what to do, or what things I should be getting done. I see people LFM for several different things I have no a clue what its for. The only thing I remember from back in the day was the epic, and templates. I am very anti-social and don't like to get invited to things if I'm not prepared for it. My question is, is there something out there that tells me what to do, as in what raids I should be doing? I see dragon pre-quest but not sure what that is. Do you need to be ML5 to do the ML5 quest? Its so confusing, I need a step by step. I need someone telling me I can do Darkness Falls under geared, ect. Any help out there?

Lonely Alb

Re: No Information for End Game

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 6:45 pm
by daemini
I have tried YouTube and google search, but nothing or either its very vague.

Re: No Information for End Game

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 11:50 pm
by stewbeedoo
I think you need to start with a template. Once you have that then you will know what gear you need and where to get it.

For example, with my Ranger template I know I need to do 8 Dragon raids, 2 Galla raids, Great Hunt quest, Of Demons & Diamonds quest and get CL10 to be fully geared. Of course if I have lots of plat I can forego some of the raids and just buy the items from other players.

Templating has a steep learning curve. There are various tools like Loki, Korts and the most modern and fully featured is Zenkcraft. Basically templating is like playing Tetris with all the possible items in the Eden item DB. You try many combinations of items until you get a result where you have +26 to the stat caps important for your class and +101 to those same stats. You also want +400 HP s, +11 to skills needed for your class and maybe +50 AF. There are other TOA bonuses that give melee/magic speed and damage bonuses. You also need to decide what charges you want to run and the items that provide those. There is more to it, but it's too much to explain.

If this sounds like too much then grab an existing template created by someone else on Discord or through Zenkcraft. Then you can check the Eden Item DB to see how to get the items.

Hope this helps.

Re: No Information for End Game

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 5:31 am
by Sauciness
My advice is to go to quick links open up the item database and start searching for good items. They will show where to get them.

Re: No Information for End Game

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:05 am
by LrdRahl
I wrote this out for Guild in Season 1, some of it may be useful for you

So now you are 40!

You are getting close to the end game now BOYZ and GIRLZ, how do we get through the last 10 levels with our sanity in tact?

Dungeon Quests are still great, Stonehenge Barrows in Salisbury Plains will give you a free level on completion for the quest and there are plenty of farmers down there to help take down the bosses!

Not only that at level 40 you can start to participate in some more end game dungeons for loot, dungeon currency and a free level. Look out for any Sidi, AC, DF, or SH raids and pick up the repeatable quest at the entrance for each one for a free level! Also Sidi has the bestest end game Mytharian's as a reward.

At level 35 you can start to do your Epic quests. Each step starts at the King in Camelot. There is a level 35, level 40, and level 45 steps to the Epic quest. Each rewards with some solid gear to get started at 50!

Don't sleep on getting your salvage and crafting skills up. Salvage especially as it takes a few hours and less than 1p and will really help you end game at 50 with being able to salvage all your drops and trinket for much more money than vendoring the item alone.

With the repeatable quests, and the normal XP quests you can find in Cornwall, Lyoness, Dartmoor, and don't forget the SI cities Diogal and Gwyntel as well!

Ok so NOW you are 50!
-Did you do your epic?
-Do you have at least one good Mytharian from Sidi?
-Crafting skills looking good?

Dragon Quests – Starts in NW area of Dartmoor before you get to Grimpound there is a NPC there with a quest series that stars by killing a bunch of the Giants in Dartmoor. Next step is killing the 4 Mini Dragons in Dartmoor and the 3 in the Frontier zones. And the final step will be to kill the big bad Dragon himself. Once you finish the first part of the quest you will be able to port to Grimspound and the faction will all be friendly to you.

You next step from here will continue the advancement of your character. We have access to Champion Levels and CL abilities here so one of your first steps at level 50 is to join in the Brimstone Caverns Dungeon (done with BG)

Quest starts with the King and at the end of the quest you are rewarded with items that grant you 5 free Champion Levels. At CL5 you can now talk to the King and get your first Champion Weapon!

Medal of Honor Quest – This rewards with a sweet 90 utility resist necklace. Pick up the quest in Snowdonia Fortress and you will be tasked to go to Llyn Barfog and take on the named bosses there! (Also known as LB loop)

Darkness Falls quests -There is another DF quest Diamonds and Demons which tasks you and a group to go and kill a number of high level mobs that typically reward diamond seals. This gets you a Wizard hat (in your armor class so Plate wearers get a Plate wizard hat) and some solid jewelry!
Frontiers Quests – Daily quests are able to be found in Catterik Hamlet, Deserters are quests designed for solo duo and up to 5 man to kill specific mob camps in the frontiers. Completion rewards some Rps and a cache of your choice of dungeon currency.

Farming, getting rich, and getting a template is one of the last steps you will take.

Template means you have all of your stats and resists capped to the max bonus you can get from gear. This will typically be an assortment of dropped or purchased items, and crafted items you have spellcrafted to fill in the gaps. Each class has its own requirements and difficulty in templating. Easiest is typically pure casters, Necros, and Clerics, and hardest are your hybrids. However here on Eden the general utility of dropped items and quests makes it easier to template even for “hard” classes much easier than other freeshards. Currently Zenkraft is the best templating program around. You can get it on Steam for $1.99 US the support and options in this program including importing the stats on your gear you own and helping you autocraft to fill in the gaps can't be beat. If you plan on sticking around this might just be worth your $1.99 (I thought so). I have used the uploaded by other Eden player Online Templates section to find templates for my classes in Season 2