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Galladoria Unable to being targeted and ress

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2023 7:43 pm
by I blame your parents
1st try at second 55
2nd try at 4min and 5 sec

warden came to try before and was unable to target me too (non in video tho)

Iarnvidiur - LOS in the Water

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 2:57 pm
by Logi
- Spell / Style / Skill / Item Name: Line of sight for possibility of rezzes in Iarnvidiur's Lair in Iarnvidiur's Room.
- Steps to reproduce the bug: fighting Iarnvidiur, waiting for her teleport move to happen. Players will get teleported into water. Players dead in the water will not be rezzable. If enough healers are ported into the water, the Boss is unbeatable.
- Screenshot: not possible due to LOS problem
- Combat log if applicable: not directly related to combat
- A video link: can't reproduce the bug without asking 30+ ppl to help me and hope for a wipe.
- The coordinate of the bug (by using /loc): Midgard -> Iarnvidiurs Lair -> Iarnvidiurs Room / the water which she teleports random players in, which you usually pass by using the bridge towards her. ! cannot use /loc because I cannot reach the spot solo or in a grp (cant convince 30+ppl to escort me there for a bug report). !
- Anything else that might be helpful: LOS issue is probably caused by the fact that the water is not deep enough to dive, but deep enough to fully cover all bodies when dead. Even going down there and positioning yourself right next to the dead player will not give you LOS to rezz.

Midgard Iarnvildur

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2023 11:23 pm
by patacrac

iarnvildur is unkillable ( at least with only one group )
When it glares on main tank , it follow him into water wich makes it reset full life.

Re: Midgard Iarnvildur

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2023 8:45 am
by Karen
Thank you for your report. After next reboot, Iarnvildur will ignore her target after glaring.