Absorb debuff value live tested part2

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Absorb debuff value live tested part2

Hi Team,

So regrading the mechanics of -20% abs debuff that was changed today. I did testing way back that showed -20% abs debuffs were indeed working in the manner the grab bag posits: -20% * ABS and not subtractive. However behind the scenes there is a multiplier on the abs debuff from weapon procs.

My testing showed that instead of -20% * 27 abs for chain = 5.4abs reduction, instead damage increased by 13% which is equivalent to -35% * 27 abs = 9.55 abs reduction. This test was done using archery to avoid variance. I just repeated this test and it came out the same: (unbudffed scout vs templated cleric) 155 standard shot became 175 after a -20% abs debuff which again confirms 13% damage increase.

For clarity, as this could be an 'archery only' benefit. I did the test yet again using melee:

First I calculated my expected variance and did a bunch of swings to confirm minimum and maximum hit.
I was expecting 43% variance (because the scout is not composite, only 42 weapon) and found it: 47 minimum swing, 67 maximum. Exactly 43% variance from bottom.

Then I got the proc to go off and monitored for the highest possible hit. I did a few hundred hits after proc to be certain of its apex.
You can see the proc at the top, then swap to longsword and some hits. This was the round that I got the new maximum with -20% abs debuff.

New max with debuff was 76.
76/67 is again 13% increase.

This confirms that the -20% abs debuff has a 1.75x modifier on the back end and it really provides -35% against enemy abs, or a 13% damage increase against chain (less against lower armor types).
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Re: Absorb debuff value live tested part2

As always, thank you for a thorough testing and a well written report. This will be applied by next patch.