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Re: It's time to admit something is broken with SBs

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:42 am
by hazrael
Well, i play Daoc since 2001 , playing all freeshard since .. first time im disgusted. ( mins , friar , ns .. what the hell :lol: )
Lot of friends already give up the server..

Re: It's time to admit something is broken with SBs

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:41 am
by Amurdora
Like I said before, the problem is mostly on the SB end not the NS end. The hyperbole in here about what NS can do doesn't help convince anyone that a real change needs to happen.

It's real simple. Remove the + damage on Thunderstorm to bring it into line with all other de-taunts in the game. This is literally the only part of the NS that's unbalanced.

LA damage needs to be increased for a SB. The bonus damage that came at 25 wouldn't be bad, needs to be improved upon even still from what Live had but it helped, or increase 2h crit damage and let SB get rewarded when they land that phat 2h perf.

Re: It's time to admit something is broken with SBs

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2023 11:50 pm
by Skiidzman
I can confirm, that on my SB the only fighting chance I will have generally is when I am with my hunter buddy. There is an obvious skill-cap to playing shades, and that is knowing when to min max and use CL abilities, item use, stat buff effectiveness for buffs, the list goes on. Throw in auto-hot key and you should be able to go toe to toe with most, even marginally.

However, that is not the case. While I struggle to be competitive on my SB, there is a damage variance that I have mentioned many times that does not quite make sense. Some of the issues I can't wrap my head around is that I have been told SBs were compared to NSs on live by our developers, and that their damage was equal. They didn't specify the spec, as they mentioned PA damage, which is very little relevance to SBs as most of us are zerk spec expecting some real damage for the points we put in, and instead we get lucky to swing for 100s. Those 100 hits are due to classes blowing their load, to speak, and achieving 55% resists, while simultaneously having the advantage over us.

I am not sure what the "fix" is, but our damage if tested I will wager is comparably lower than Infil or NS. I don't need to parse anything to tell you just from playing the game. I think Infils are pretty good, but they are still feeling the woes of NS.

I'll suggest this:

- Remedy is another paper rock scissors ability which becomes mandatory assassin vs. assassin. I don't see the point of it being in-game as it removes the viper aspect from shade fights and because it removes any "pre-thought" from assassins loading a specific poison with a strategy in mind.
- The three stealth skills after gaining a kill for stealth, are all really odd. SBs move faster, Infils detect better, and NSs are harder to find in stealth. Once again, SB gets the benefit of just running away. Infils can hunt again, and NSs can evade you by not doing much at all.
- SB realm rank 5, blood drinking, last 15 seconds compared to Infil and NS RR5s which last 30 seconds. Why? They all have amazing benefits. All on 5 minute cool down timers.
- Increase SB damage to actually be on par. We are suppose to be assassins, we move slow, it takes us a long time to find targets only to hit someone like we are throwing a potato and splat. We are high risk high reward classes and that is how it should feel.