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Speedcharges in RVR

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 12:59 pm
by Hamsta
I know it is most likely an unpopular opinion, but the QOL Speedcharges from BPs needs to go. At least in RVR zones.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions and I think this can be a good example for that. While an awesome QOL feature while leveling and pve in general, it becomes an unbalanced mess the second you step into RVR.

All classes are balanced around their skills and skillsets. Look at Speedclasses. With the Charges you basically give everybody their ability and killing the normal RvR in the process. Nonspeeders used to be at their portal keeps and roam the bridges small scale. You had an complete PVP-Enviroment there. Every bridge was used and populated, the way to the docks camped. If you wanted speed you searched for a tower. If you lost speed you needed to get it there, otherwise tough luck.

Deserterspots are a nice addition tho. They get RVR in places where they didn't used to by besides keepfights.

So in conclusion I think that Speedcharges need to be unusable in RVR or have a loooooong CD like 15min or such.

Re: Speedcharges in RVR

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 4:16 pm
by Idi
I agree that the charges should be eliminated, however, not for any of the reasons you cite. ALL players should have access to speed via the player mount system that was created in version 1.80 with the Darkness Rising expansion.
Patch Notes: Version 1.80

Dark Age of Camelot
Version 1.80 Release Notes
Darkness Rising
October 11, 2005

Advanced Player Controlled Horses

- Acquire a faithful horse to travel the Realms and the frontiers. Ride a warhorse, unicorn, nightmare, undead, or an elemental steed.

- Once players have achieved level 45, they are eligible to purchase an advanced horse.

- Advanced horses travel at a 50% increase over standard run speed. Grouping with a class that offers a speed enhancement greater than this will increase your speed to match that of the speed enhancement.

- Unlike basic horses, advanced mounts can be summoned in the frontier zones.

- Horses may be named using a /namemount slash command. The horse's name is limited to one word with the first letter only capitalized.

- Advanced horses may be customized with armor, barding, and saddlebags. In addition, the barding may be emblemized.

- Players may not enter in to combat while on horseback. Upon being attacked, players will be dismounted.
My guess is that the lack of horses in the frontier is due to lag/load issues on the server, and the speed charges are a compromise. Regardless, it's balanced exactly because they are available to ALL classes, and the primary and secondary speed classes still maintain their advantages in top speed, cast times, or the ability to cast on the move.

Re: Speedcharges in RVR

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 10:39 pm
by netmask
I agree. Speed charges is a bad idea.

Re: Speedcharges in RVR

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2022 9:23 pm
by Ashenspire
It's no different than having the realm buff bots, Assassins having a full array of 75 s/c and d/q charges, casters having NS cures on their staves, or people running around with their own personal poison/disease cures.

The game was never balanced around comparing 1 class to another, and with CLs and item charges, even less so.

The way speed is handled in this game has always been problematic, as is perma sprint. But it's not going anywhere any time soon.