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No one leveling in the Frontiers? Is this DAoC?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:13 pm
by RussellAdams
The lacking mobs in pve zones has always been an annoying issue. Even Shadowbane, a game built around city building and pvp, had massive mob zones - which, by the way, as with DAoC, some of the most annoying and nerve-racking griefing/pvp has gone on. In fact, as a small man, you could make a career out of defending/attacking leveling areas.

We don't have that here. Dungeon respawns are slow. People fight over scraps with an otherwise healthy population - which means far less mobs than normal. We have no frontier zones to level up through - which again negates much of the leveling experience to forced questing - something daoc'ers historically hate.

So, is this the vision? We will have limited mobs all over the game for the first time in DAoC emulator history? Is there a rationale for this? I'm not getting it.

On a positive, the server is healthy and thriving, but if I had a gold for every time a group mate was like, wtf can we go other than quest and fighting over limited mobs in a quest zone? Tapping mobs helps, but it's far from the mob pve experience we all need to balance out the frenzy of pvp.

Please tell me this is only temporary.

Re: No one leveling in the Frontiers? Is this DAoC?

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 9:35 pm
by Fin / Valar
This seems a good mirror of the current situation on the server.
I've hit lvl42 with my highest lvl toon (a Runemaster) and the situation is:

DF: practically unplayable. Long respawn times, not many mobs out there (at least in Mid side) and a continuos stream of funny lvl50 ppl coming only to kill expers. And when you don't find those funny enemies you just find the best spots camped forever by your realm mates.

PoC: tried once to go in, an Albion full group (lvl 50 obviously) chased us all the way (they were not in sight when we entered PoC) just to kill us (Group lvl range 40-45). They even needed a good 3/4 minutes of fight to kill us lol. Will never come back there until lvl 50, that's for sure

Modernagrav: best exp, a lot of mobs, fast respawn but.... ZERO drops. That's really incredible, in about 2 hrs of continuos grinding there I DID NOT DROP A SINGLE THING. Not even a stupid alchemy ingredient. Nothing at all. I would laugh at it if I didn't have gray/green stuff on my toons.... No drops after lvl 40 means that you are almost killing the final rush to reach 50.

No spots in Frontiers with good clusters of mobs, as there usually were in any other server I've seen so far. I really don't know why

In brief, leveling up seems to be a lot more annoying than what I've thought in Beta (where I hit 50 in solo with a BD quite easily). So maybe something has been changed.... in a bad way.

Re: No one leveling in the Frontiers? Is this DAoC?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:43 am
by RussellAdams
I 100% agree. In all irony to your alb Poc issue, we got sent out of PoC 3 days in a row due to a really solid level 50 mid group farming rps.

Because there are so few leveling areas and because overall there are so few mob spawns in the frontiers, people are forced to cluster and take over what have now become scarce resources.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the reasoning for this is to monitor lag. Perhaps they are just managing players numbers in this way and we will get an emulator that truly excels in all areas. On a side note, it really stinks when level 50s carry guildmates through the quest zones and you find yourself just standing for boss/mob respawns.

One would ASSUME, that if we are forced to WoW quest for xp, that the spawn rates would be increased tenfold.

I get everyone has their own vision when they make these servers - but at this point, Uthgard feels like it wasn't so bad a place. At least I could grab a few folks and just relax in a mob spawn while taking a nice pvp break.


Re: No one leveling in the Frontiers? Is this DAoC?

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 9:18 pm
by Idi
I addressed the same issues back in August during beta:


Re: No one leveling in the Frontiers? Is this DAoC?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 7:42 am
by Blacksin
Should just go back to beta. Server doesn't seem ready. Losing population fast.

Re: No one leveling in the Frontiers? Is this DAoC?

Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 2:35 pm
by Skiidzman
100% agree, and I have been very vocal about it. There needs to be huge incentive to have new players, mid and max level toons going to frontiers.

1. The XP bonus in NF needs to = what you can get by quests. Not everyone wants to do them.
2. Needs to be higher drop rates in frontiers to entice people to come farm and pvp.
3. Anything else

Re: No one leveling in the Frontiers? Is this DAoC?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 5:28 am
by rgarrett

Re: No one leveling in the Frontiers? Is this DAoC?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2022 3:23 pm
by TanyaTheEvil
Staff noticing this issue?