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i50 template / balancing

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 5:33 pm
by Morann
from discord as it might be lost there:

Dear Eden team, first of all I am really hyped for the release. I read the announcement and still have a question/suggestion:
*will the i50 rr5 characters have CL10?
*What bonuses will quartermaster gear give like stat-and resistwise and regarding toa bonuses?
*I assume that you don’t want to hand out perfect temps in order to make people test end game pve with huge numbers. Or what is your intention?
*Could you consider giving capped temps and CL10 for the second half of i50? I would really recommend that. It’s the best opportunity to have real balance testing regarding 8v8. People should be able to test compositions under real conditions (fully geared). Doesn’t make sense to fight when one group has 10% cast range and the other doesn’t (just an example).
*I think it’s optimal to balance properly before release. People won’t be happy to level and gear their toon and than have balancing a few weeks/month in.
*Furthermore the rvr happening right now should not be taken as a reference for balancing. It’s just pugs fighting each other. No well coordinated groups out.
*Could a compromise be to give out an almost complete temp which misses like the chest and weapon from dragon or sidi encounter? So people would have to participate in order to finish it and be ready for rvr.

Ty for considering. I would be happy to hear your thoughts on this.