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Re: New Season Suggestion: Remove ToA Items

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 2:32 am
by Bigpoints
I think the overall build of the server is fine. I don't think TOA items or pve content needs to be removed. For anyone that only wants to play in the frontier, their are quests to give currency and credit to buy raid gear. I understand the balance difference between templated and non templated players but other than some rare ROGs and dungeon only drops, everyone should be able to build a set that is competitive.

What I'd like to see is a further list of dungeon named drop items to be added to merchants which would make it even easier to fill out a template. Especially since numbers have dropped. If the item is in the database, it should be obtainable via quest/purchase, not just a random drop.

Another change would be swapping the frontier quests to a Luna coin item, that way it could stay universal until you need it. And keep/tower takes can award some in the chests. This also would allow players to template more easily.

Lastly it would be nice to see camp bonus for currency/rp/cl xp. So players playing at low pop times have a better chance at making progress since they are less likely to have a zerg/raid available.

Re: New Season Suggestion: Remove ToA Items

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 11:11 am
by aaron
The battlegrounds side step a lot of the post toa, post NF changes. Thidranki is way closer to the classic experience in terms of what abilities, procs, charges, etc can be used. For that reason alone, I will never go back to NF.

Re: New Season Suggestion: Remove ToA Items

Posted: Sun May 21, 2023 1:17 am
by Baconpancake
Idk i have little time and by now 3 templated toons. Just do any raid u find, convert currencies as needed, the daily is also free 100 currency.

Being killed in frontiers while pveing is part of the game and always was.

Removing some items because you're afraid of losing idk.

Get a good guild which helps and see where you can go.

No need to blame some stats for it

Re: New Season Suggestion: Remove ToA Items

Posted: Sun May 28, 2023 6:37 am
by Moonshot
How about we don't hijack the thread with leveling crap that has absolutely nothing to do with the OP suggestion of removing ToA items.

Tell me you like being Overpowered without telling me you like being Overpowered

Re: New Season Suggestion: Remove ToA Items

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 12:43 pm
by Blayden
I didn't read peoples replies, but i 100% agree that TOA bonuses should not be in.
TOA bonuses and the power creep that came with it is what changed DAOC for the worse.
The game and the battles are far better with standard Shrouded Isles stats, and i would also go as far as saying that old RA's make the game far better too because right now its just an RA dump of the same RA's.
Also stun nuke on Hib is not so toxic with standard stats, people can react.

Re: New Season Suggestion: Remove ToA Items

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 6:37 am
by Blacksin
Agreed. Keep it 1.65
Old Frontiers
NPC Buffs with Supremacy red/purple buffs or Potions or 2nd acct buff bots.
Make all potions 30 mins min.
200 pop on at 9:34 pst Hardly none on. In 1 month this game will be completely dead without serious changes. But I think they will let it die, maybe put a few names on the ban page for good measure, that will show them! :crazy_face: