Getting Started
End Game PvE
Spirit Prism
The spirit prism allows players upon killing a monster to automatically capture its spirit,
which can then be released later to charm.
To capture monsters with a Spirit Prism:
Purchase from in relic town
Right click the item and drag and drop the /use2 ability "Creatures" to your bar.
Click the "Creatures" ability.
To start capturing spirits, click the "Configure your Spirit Prism" yellow text.
Here you can select which monsters you would like to start collecting.
Once you have selected a monster it will appear in your list
"You are focused on capturing these creatures".
Click on a monster name in this list to set the min and maximum levels,
the maximum number of captures and whether it is a favorite (binds to /use1 summon).
You can hold up to a total of 25 creatures total at a time!
That is it! Now all you need to do is start killing monsters that are on your list!
When killed you will see an animation and receive the message "You capture the cliff beetle's
spirit (Level X)."
You can view captured monsters anytime by using the /use2 "Creatures" ability.
To release and charm a captured monster:
- Click the /use2 "Creatures" ability. From here you will see a list of creatures you have
already captured.
To release one click on the yellow text of their name
- You can also or use the /use1 ability "Instant Creature" off the Spirit Prism to select
the first in the list.

Siege Weapons

Siege Crafting
Players can craft all siege weapons including:
catapult: Fast reload, 500 units aoe damage on ground target
trebuchet: Slow reload, 500 units aoe damage on ground target
ballista: Medium reload, single target damage on player target
palintone: Fast reload, 250 AoE damage on player target
There are two main categories of siege weapons: Field and Fortified.
Field: These siege weapons can be deployed anywhere
Fortified: These are a stronger variant that can be deployed near a friendly siege tent.
To use siege follow the following steps:
Craft the siege apparatus (field or fortified). To use fortified siege equipment, you
need to craft
siege tent kit. This can then be used to create a siege tent for your realm at any siege
tent hookpoint
at a
Deploy the siege weapon by putting the "deploy field catapult" (whichever siege weapon
wish to use)
your Siege Deployment craft list on your bar and clicking it.
The siege weapon will arm automatically. Click Aim to aim at either a selected target or
ground target.
To use siege towers, use following steps:
Craft the siege tower apparatus.
Shift + right click the keep and select Hookpoints
Right click the light pink hookpoint to start building the siege tower
Siege towers will take 4 minutes to complete. Defenders can repair the component up to 100%
which will
the siege tower, or slow it's progress. Attackers can also /repair to keep the siege tower

Spell Queue Settings
/spellqueue grace
/spellqueue 0 (to 400)
Noqueue users can add a grace period to the end of a spell where the new spell can be
is a shortcut for a 200 milliseconds window which is the most 'live-like' feel for a new
to be lined
up as
the previous ends.
Syntax: 0 to 400, or grace
The duration of the window is user defined and can be adjusted from 0, which represents the
default (off)
functionality, to as much as 400 milliseconds, a long input window.
/spellqueue check
Spell queue users: When a spell is placed in queue, no check is performed to see if the
has a valid
target. This allows any spell to be queued regardless of its effect, such as a direct damage
spell against a
realm ally (which is an invalid target, and would not begin casting).
When active, /spellqueue check adds a target check on spells placed in queue. If the target
invalid, the
spell will not be placed in queue.
Toggle on/off
The default for this feature is off/disabled which is the standard/original client behavior.
Albion Quests
- [1-4] Proving Grounds (Battle Ground)
- [1-10] Constantine's Sound
- [1-10] Gothwaite Harbor
- [1-19] Ruins of Atlantis (Massacre Group Quests)
- [1-50] Camelot (Crafter)
- [5-9] Lions Den (Battle Ground)
- [10-14] Hills of Claret (Battle Ground)
- [10-19] Camelot Hills
- [10-19] Black Mtns. South
- [10-19] Black Mtns. North
- [10-19] Isle of Glass (Shrouded Isles)
- [10-20] Tomb of Mithra (Dungeon)
- [10-29] Salisbury Plains
- [15-19] Killaloe (Battle Ground)
- [15-25] Keltoi Fogou (Dungeon)
- [15-34] Llyn Barfog
- [20] Camelot (Mount)
- [20-24] Thidranki (Battle Ground)
- [20-30] Tepok Mines (Dungeon)
- [20-34] Campacorentin Forest
- [20-34] Avalon Isle (Shrouded Isles)
- [25-29] Braemar (Battle Ground)
- [25-39] Avalon Marsh
- [25-49] Dales of Devwy (Shrouded Isles)
- [30-34] Wilton (Battle Ground)
- [30-40] Catacombs of Cardova (Dungeon)
- [30-44] Cornwall
- [30-49] Lyonesse
- [35-39] Molvik (Battle Ground)
- [35-49] Aldland (Shrouded Isles)
- [35-50] Throne Room (Epic)
- [40-44] Leirvik (Battle Ground)
- [40-49] Dartmoor
- [40-49] Gwyddneau (Shrouded Isles)
- [40-49] Inishail Island (Shrouded Isles)
- [40-50] Throne Room (Epic)
- [40-50] Avalon City (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Krondon (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Caer Sidi (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Stonehenge Barrows (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Darkness Falls (Raid)
- [45-49] Cathal Valley (Battle Ground)
- [45-49] Caldey (Shrouded Isles)
- [45-50] Throne Room (Epic)
- [45-50] Relic Town - Deserter Underlings
- [45-50] Llyn Barfog - The Great Hunt
- [45-50] Dartmoor - Slaying the Dragons: Weakening the Guard
- [45-50] Relic Town - Blood in the Water (Raid)
- [48-50] Wearyall Village - Lost Stone of Arawn
- [48-50] Dartmoor - Slaying the Dragons: The Adolescents
- [48-50] Dartmoor - Slaying the Dragons: The Final Hunt (Raid)
Midgard Quests
- [1-4] Proving Grounds (Battle Ground)
- [1-10] Grenlock's Sound
- [1-10] Aegirhamn
- [1-19] Ruinerar av Atlantis (Massacre Group Quests)
- [1-50] Jordheim (Crafter)
- [5-9] Lions Den (Battle Ground)
- [10-14] Hills of Claret (Battle Ground)
- [10-20] Nisse's Lair (Dungeon)
- [10-24] Vale of Mularn
- [10-24] East Svealand
- [10-24] Aegir's Landing (Shrouded Isles)
- [10-34] West Svealand
- [10-34] Gotar
- [15-19] Killaloe (Battle Ground)
- [15-25] Cursed Tomb (Dungeon)
- [20] Jordheim (Mount)
- [20-24] Thidranki (Battle Ground)
- [20-30] Vendo Caverns (Dungeon)
- [20-34] Myrkwood Forest
- [20-39] Muspelheim
- [25-29] Braemar (Battle Ground)
- [25-44] Skona Ravine
- [25-44] Munin Sound (Shrouded Isles)
- [25-49] Gripklosa Mountains (Shrouded Isles)
- [30-34] Wilton (Battle Ground)
- [30-40] Varulvhamn (Dungeon)
- [30-49] Delling Crater (Shrouded Isles)
- [35-39] Molvik (Battle Ground)
- [35-49] Vanern Swamp
- [35-49] Modernagrav (Shrouded Isles)
- [35-50] Throne Room (Epic)
- [40-44] Leirvik (Battle Ground)
- [40-49] Raumarik
- [40-49] Malmohus
- [40-49] Iarnwood (Shrouded Isles)
- [40-50] Spindelhalla (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Trollheim (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Iarnvidiur's Lair (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Tuscaran Glacier (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Throne Room (Epic)
- [40-50] Darkness Falls (Raid)
- [45-49] Cathal Valley (Battle Ground)
- [45-49] Faraheim (Shrouded Isles)
- [45-50] Throne Room (Epic)
- [45-50] Relic Town - Deserter Underlings
- [45-50] Raumerik - The Great Hunt
- [45-50] Malmohus - Slaying the Dragons: Weakening the Guard
- [45-50] Relic Town - Blood in the Water (Raid)
- [48-50] Aegir's Landing - Ancestral Secrets
- [48-50] Malmohus - Slaying the Dragons: The Adolescents
- [48-50] Malmohus - Slaying the Dragons: The Final Hunt (Raid)
Hibernia Quests
- [1-4] Proving Grounds (Battle Ground)
- [1-10] Lamfhota's Sound
- [1-10] Grove of Domnann
- [1-19] Scrios de Atlantis (Massacre Group Quests)
- [1-50] Tir Na Nog (Crafter)
- [5-9] Lions Den (Battle Ground)
- [10-14] Hills of Claret (Battle Ground)
- [10-19] Domnann (Shrouded Isles)
- [10-20] Muire Tomb (Dungeon)
- [10-24] Lough Derg
- [15-34] Silvermine Mts.
- [10-34] Connacht
- [10-39] Valley of Bri Leith
- [15-19] Killaloe (Battle Ground)
- [15-25] Spraggon Den (Dungeon)
- [15-40] Cliffs of Moher
- [20] Tir na Nog (Mount)
- [20-24] Thidranki (Battle Ground)
- [20-30] Koalinth Caverns (Dungeon)
- [20-44] Caillte Garran (Shrouded Isles)
- [25-29] Braemar (Battle Ground)
- [25-49] Vigilant Rock (Shrouded Isles)
- [30-34] Wilton (Battle Ground)
- [30-40] Treibh Caillte (Dungeon)
- [30-39] Shannon Estuary
- [30-49] Bog of Cullen
- [30-49] Vale of Balor (Shrouded Isles)
- [35-39] Molvik (Battle Ground)
- [35-49] Lough Gur
- [35-50] Throne Room (Epic)
- [40-44] Leirvik (Battle Ground)
- [40-49] Cursed Forest
- [40-49] Sheeroe Hills
- [40-49] World's End (Shrouded Isles)
- [40-49] Allta Fearann (Shrouded Isles)
- [40-50] Coruscating Mines (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Tur Suil (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Fomor (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Galladoria (Dungeon)
- [40-50] Throne Room (Epic)
- [40-50] Darkness Falls (Raid)
- [45-49] Cathal Valley (Battle Ground)
- [45-49] Cothrom Gorge (Shrouded Isles)
- [45-50] Throne Room (Epic)
- [45-50] Relic Town - Deserter Underlings
- [45-50] Cursed Forest - The Great Hunt
- [45-50] Sheeroe Hills - Slaying the Dragons: Weakening the Guard
- [45-50] Relic Town - Blood in the Water (Raid)
- [48-50] Droighaid - The Lost Seed
- [48-50] Sheeroe Hills - Slaying the Dragons: The Adolescents
- [48-50] Sheeroe Hills - Slaying the Dragons: The Final Hunt (Raid)
Dungeon Quests
Rewards: 1 full level + selection of Mythirian
- Level 10-20: Tomb of Mithra
- Level 15-25: Keltoi Fogou
- Level 20-30: Tepok Mine
- Level 30-40: Catacombs of Cardova
- Level 40-50: Stone Hendge Barrows
Req min level 40 - SI Dungeons
- Level 40-50: Avalon City
- Level 40-50: Krondon
- Level 40-50: Caer Sidi
- Level 10-20: Muire Tomb
- Level 15-25: Spraggon Den
- Level 20-30: Koalinth Tribal Caverns
- Level 30-40: Treibh Caillte
- Level 40-50: Coruscating Mines
Req min level 40 - SI Dungeons
- Level 40-50: Tur Suil
- Level 40-50: Fomor
- Level 40-50: Galladoria
- Level 10-20: Nisse's Lair
- Level 15-25: Cursed Tomb
- Level 20-30: Vendo Caverns
- Level 30-40: Varulvhamn
- Level 40-50: Spindelhalla
Req min level 40 - SI Dungeons
- Level 40-50: Trollheim
- Level 40-50: Iarnvidiur's Lair
- Level 40-50: Tuscaran Glacier
Slash Commands
/combatinfo - Toggle more information in combat messages.
/cooldown - Display item cooldown information.
/groupsize - Displays your current calculated group size based on recent groups you've been
/hidegraves - Toggle display of other player graves.
/info - Display basic help.
/lff - Signs you up to find fights for your group size.
/lfrvr - Signs you up to find others looking for RvR and automatically group them.
/lfxp - Signs you up to find others looking for PvE and automatically group them.
/loyalty - Displays current account loyalty standings.
/minotaur - Various commands for minotaur relics.
/moveitem - Various commands to deal with items in bulk.
To sell all items in first bag do
/moveitem sell #bag1
To sell all items in all bags do
/moveitem sell #allbags
/nameplates - Change name plates visibility distance
/renegade - Displays information about the Renegade mechanic.
/rvrmissions - Toggle display of center screen messages when RvR missions are updated.
/serverinfo - Displays population information.
/servernews - Displays recent patch notes information.
/switch - Equip an item from inventory.
/xpinfo - Toggle more information in experience messages.
/fairfight - Toggle fair fight information.
/wings - Your character will display vanity wings when you are the highest Realm Rank of your
/nameplates - Change name plates distance.
/groupsort manual classnames (up to 8) - sorts the group in the order of classes entered.
Example: /groupsort
manual bard druid druid warden
/groupsort switch # # - switches two group members.
Auto Grouping
Type /LFxp (Looking For xp) to be auto grouped for PvE content. Auto Groups are
based on
+/- 4
from the group leader or solo player. The group leader can also type /LFxp to pick up solo
Type /LFrvr (Looking For rvr) to be auto grouped for RvR content. Auto Groups
are created
level ranges. Level 50s are in their own category for Frontier RvR.
Realm Skill Point Caps
To allow for casual DAoC players to not fall too far behind, and to keep a fun even playing
field for fights
flourish, Eden will have a Realm Skill Point Cap system. You will still earn your realm
no matter
but the maximum amount of Realm Skill Points you are able to spend will be limited based on
RA Point Cap
timed release schedule. Again, all RPs earned will still be accumulated, but the Realm Skill
available to
spend and the +skills will be limited to the current cap.
The goal with this Realm Skill Point cap is to temporarily level the playing field. These
initial caps will
more time to the casual players who may not be able to play as much as the hardcore gamers
launch. Keep
mind, the RP rate is not increased on Eden and the first month of the server is generally
templating, and overall getting ready for RvR. Also, the overall timeline will allow players
create alts,
switch realms, or just try out new things without that feeling of falling behind in the RR
category. Again,
will always earn your realm points when RvR’ing, only the spendable Realm Skill Points and
+skills are
RR Cap Schedule
Accelerated schedule increasing slowly at first and more rapidly as time goes on
- Day one cap is 50k rps (2L8).
- Your level is your cap until level 28. e.g. level 14 cap is 1L4.
- Month 1, each week the cap is increased by 100k up to 4L5.
- Month 2, each week the cap is increased by 200k up to 6L5.
- Month 3, each week the cap is increased by 300k up to 7L7.
Realm Timer
Upon participating in any Frontier activity, the player account will trigger the following:
1 hour Frontier Realm Timer lockout period for both other realms. You can switch realms for
zones, but
will not be able to enter the frontier zone. Battlegrounds do not count.
12 hour Siege Warfare RP timer for both other realms. If you switch realms, you will not
any realm
points for keeps, towers, or relic related activities (captures, defense ticks, etc). You
still receive
realm points from player kills.
Battleground Siege Camps - Siege Monsters
If your realm does not own the Center Keep (CK) then your realm will have a Siege Camp with
Commander. This commander will accept trinkets that drop from various activities in the
Battleground itself,
such as killing players or killing mobs. You will be rewarded with experience and when the
received enough trinkets, a Siege Monster will spawn and lead a charge into the CK and work
attack the
This Siege Monster will not engage players and will focus on breaking into the keep and
attacking the Lord.
However, it is not always about being on the offensive, keep in mind your Siege Commander
also be
and killed! If your Siege Captain is defeated, then you will not be able to turn in any more
trinkets until
Captain has respawned.

Items - Named Loot and RoGs
Leveling ROGs level 1-49:
- Class specific to those in group
- Based on level of player or monster (whichever is lower)
- Drop chance for every player in group
- Weighted rolls to prioritize main stats (eg. str, dex, acuity, etc)
- Random quality 94% - 100%
- Chance for single proc
End Game ROGs level 50
- Truly random, not class based, able to farm with any level 50 character for an alt
- Always lvl 51
- One drop chance per mob, not determined by group size
- Can roll ToA bonuses and classic utility bonuses
- Rolls are random, with some restrictions based on armor type
- Increased total utility with mob level and difficulty
- 99% - 100% quality
- Small chance for double procs
End Game Raid Currency
Raid Currency is a secondary "mercy mechanic" to offset bad luck if you do not roll high
to obtain
at the end of raids. You can obtain raid currency in specific raid zones which can then be
to purchase
items. Primarily this currency will come from the raid itself, but a very small amount will
from trash
in the zone. The intention is that players will attempt to acquire their gear directly
themselves, but currency will be a secondary way to obtain the loot. Keep in mind that
amounts will
vary depending on monster level and difficulty. All merchants are located at the entrance to
Darkness Falls: Daemon Blood Seal
Summoners Hall: Grimoire Pages
Dragon Zones: Dragon Scale Cache
Galladoria: Galladoria Root
Tuscaran Glacier: Tuscaran Glacier Ice
Caer Sidi: Caer Sidi Soul
Atlantis: Atlantean Glass
Realm Loyalty
How it works
Building realm loyalty takes time and commitment. It favors those who consistently remain
to a single
realm over a long period of time. It requires action. Fighting for your realm in the
but be careful, betraying your realm will have consequences.
0 to 100
The realm loyalty system is based on a 0 to 100 point scale. Points are accrued or lost
based on
There are milestone rewards such as 25 loyalty points to unlock a skin or 100 to unlock an
ability; and then
there are scaling rewards, for example simply having 18 loyalty points will give you 18% of
Earning Points
- Obtain 500 rps, within a 24 hour period, in the frontiers, to earn 1 point for that
This will
decrease your loyalty to each of the other realms by -4.
- Capture a relic and earn an additional 1 point for that realm. You cannot earn more than
point per day
from relic capping.
- Loyalty cannot go below 0.
Example: You earn 500 RPs on Mid in the frontiers, then you switch and earn 500 RPs on Hib
the frontiers.
were not very loyal that day!
500 RPs on Mid = +1 Mid, -4 Hib, -4 Alb
500 RPs on Hib = -4 Mid, +1 Hib, -4 Alb
Total that Day = -3 Mid, -3 Hib, -8 Alb
This means that it will take roughly 100 days of continuous support before achieving the max
reward. A true
testament to one’s loyalty. Players can still choose to switch realms, but if you help one
in the
frontiers, it will significantly reduce your loyalty on the opposing 2 realms!
The Rewards
- Milestone rewards at 25, 50, 75, 100 realm loyalty - including but not limited to
- Titles
- Realm cloak
- Reskins including a full realm specific armor reskin called "good" armor
- Scaling XP bonus - max 50% (stacks when grouped up to 200%). This means 1 realm loyalty
point = 0.5% xp.
example, your group has a total of 400 realm loyalty therefore has 200% bonus xp.
- Scaling crafting speed bonus - max 50%
- Scaling repair bonus - max 100%
- Scaling currency bonus - max 25%
- Max realm loyalty characters will be denoted in the /who command
These will also be displayed in /who results
- Committed 25% realm loyalty
- Devoted 50% realm loyalty
- Stalwart 75% realm loyalty
- Realm Loyal 100% realm loyalty
The middle zone of the frontiers is Ellan Vannin (EV). This is the home of the Renegades, a
temporary opt-in
realm faction which is hostile to all, even other renegades. If your group of 2 or more go
the center of
you will become this 4th realm and be turned into mummies! If you leave EV or /release you
go back to
normal faction.
So if you have ever wanted to settle a score within your guild or realm, now is your chance!
the underground keep and towers here will be controlled by the Renegade faction until they
captured by
Alb/Hib/Mid. But not so fast! They may be recaptured by Renegade groups as well.

Champion Levels (CLs)
Once you are level 50, you automatically start to gain Champion Level (CL) xp.
You will need to speak to a base class trainer to spend CL points. Example: A Paladin can’t
train at the
Trainer as they are already a master of that specialization. They can spend their CL points
any of the
base trainers which offer different abilities: Mage, Acolyte, Rogue, Disciple, Elementalist.
Use /respec cl to respec your points spent.
Maximum CL level is 10. HP is increased per CL level based on class.
CL weapons can be acquired at CL 5 (single proc) and CL10 (double proc) from the King.
CL Trainer (base class) locations:
Albion: Gothwaite & Cotswold - Fighter, Acolyte, Rogue, Mage, Elementalist, Disciple
Midgard: Aegirhamn & Mularn - Viking, Seer, Rogue, Mystic
Hibernia: Domnann & Mag Mell - Naturalist, Guardian, Magician, Stalker, Forester
Templating and Stats
In dark age of camelot there are hard caps for stats. This means that any points in a
stat that
exceeds the cap will not provide any immediate benefit. For example, if the cap for strength
101, and
character has 108 strength, you will only receive the benefit up to 101, and the extra 7
will not be
taken into account.
On eden, the current stats caps are achievable at level 50:
- 75 base + 26 cap stats (101 total) - Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Quickness,
Intelligence, Piety,
Charisma, Empathy
- 11 skills - eg. Polearm, Critical Strike, Evenom, Stealth, Regrowth, Instruments, Parry,
- 200 base hits + 200 cap hits
- 26 base power + 50 cap power (76 total)
- 50 armor factor
- 25 fatigue
- 26% resistance - Body, Cold, Heat, Energy, Matter, Spirit, Crush, Slash, Thrust
- 25% Bonuses - Power pool, Debuff effectiveness, Buff effectiveness, Healing
- 10% Bonuses - Casting speed, Spell Range, Spell Damage, Style Damage, Melee Damage,
Combat Speed,
Resist Pierce
There are many monsters in the world that are associated with factions. Killing a monster
associated to a faction will decrease your standing with that faction, and increase your
standing with their enemy
factions. Having good/poor standing with a faction will change whether they are friendly,
neutral, hostile or
aggressive to you.
There are some perks to good standing with factions, such as access to quests, merchants or
horse routes.
You can view your faction standing at any time using /faction in game.
This will show you the faction name, your standing, and a point value. The more points you
the worse
standing with that faction.
The following is the point breakdown for standing with factions:
- 0-25: Friendly
- 26-50: Neutral
- 51-75: Hostile
- 76+: Aggressive
Note: There are faction quests that will remove 400 points from your faction points for a
specific faction.
example, every dragon zone has a faction quest "Slaying the Dragons: Weakening the Guard".
Sobekite Eternal
Sobekite Eternal is a completely custom dungeon built to challenge a group of 8 adventurers.
boasts 8 bosses, each with a set of abilities and skills that will require the participation
coordination of
all group members.
Those who are brave enough to enter the dungeon are handsomely rewarded: Loot from all end
bosses has
chance to drop, as well as a custom currency (Luna Coins), which can be used to exchange for
other end game
To gain entry to the dungeon, speak with your realm's king to complete the one time quest
"Seeking the

Kobold Undercity
Kobold Undercity is a completely custom dungeon built to challenge a group of 5 adventurers.
many bosses, each with a set of abilities and skills that will require the participation and
coordination of
group members.
Those who are brave enough to enter the dungeon are handsomely rewarded: Loot from all end
bosses has
chance to drop, including exclusive armor skins and weapon incantations, as well as a daily
quest for custom
currency (Luna Coins), which can be used to exchange for other end game currency.
To gain entry to the dungeon, find the sewer tunnel in your realm's capital city.

- 9 Harry Stone Constantine's Sound
- 9 Jon Gwynn Cotswold
- 9 Oscar Greye Proving Grounds
- 14 Gareth Lyn Prydwen
- 14 No NPC Hills of Claret
- 19 Lauren Flynn Ulfwych
- 19 No NPC Killaloe
- 24 No NPC Thidranki
- 24 Fulmer Vinn Campa Forest
- 29 Vivian Kin Adribard's Retreat
- 34 Kenleth Min Snowdonia Fortress
- 39 Mulg Bryn Snowdonia Fortress
- 9 Emmeline Grenlock's Sound
- 9 Fjotra Mularn
- 9 Brunhild Proving Grounds
- 14 Grundi Fort Veldon
- 14 No NPC Hills of Claret
- 19 Graki Audliten
- 19 No NPC Killaloe
- 24 No NPC Thidranki
- 24 Ednari Huginfell
- 29 Bazir Fort Atla
- 34 Irgalad Vindsaul Faste
- 39 Nauline Vindsaul Faste
- 9 Okanaasa Lamfhota's Sound
- 9 Kylirean Mag Mell
- 9 Okamaoaraa Proving Grounds
- 14 Elith Tir Na mBeo
- 14 No NPC Hills of Claret
- 19 No NPC Killaloe
- 19 Roise Ardagh
- 24 No NPC Thidranki
- 24 Iain Howth
- 29 Colm Connla
- 34 Seathas Druim Cain
- 39 Adrienne Druim Cain
Discord Rules
#1. Golden Rule: Be respectful and have common sense.
#2. No inflammatory trolling or excessively passive aggressive posts. They are not helpful.
#3. Constructive criticism is welcome, but must be respectful and include a suggested
takes all play styles into consideration. Low effort posts will be removed.
#4. No repeated posting/spamming of the same topics.
#5. No direct @ posts to start a fight in public channels. Use Direct Messaging if you must.
#6. No public hackusations. Direct message staff instead.
#7. No "Doom and Gloom" posts. We will not force you to be positive, but net-negative
in Discord
not good for anybody.
#8. Bans/Mutes will not be discussed in public. Message staff directly instead.
Game Rules
#1. Anything homophobic, racist, hate speech, or other offensive talk.
#2. Griefing (attacking mobs that are already engaged by another player/group, logging over
another realm
confront a #player, etc)
#3. Using any hack tool (Radar, Speed Hacking...) or modifying client files
#4. Staff abuse
#5. Vulgar or offensive name
#6. Macro play (looping / broadcasting keystrokes to multiple clients)
#7. Actively playing/owning multiple accounts (1 account per player)
#8. Public Trash Talk
#9. Realm Point Farming
#10. Bug abusing or exploiting
#11. AFK farming
#12. Money transfers for in-game services
#13. No public hackusations. Direct message staff instead.
Golden Rule: Be respectful and have common sense. Do not resort to insults or harassment.
staff here volunteer their time and sanity to bring you DAoC for free. If your message
negative, you might get removed.
Raid Loot
A BG must claim any items at the START of the raid. At the end of the raid Leaders may take
their claim, but
gold and items must be distributed (Either through loot rolls, randomly, or a combination)
*All rules pertaining to the claim of an item by the BG lead or how the /random will taken place
must be
frequently during the raid and MUST be announced before the mobs are engaged. This is done to
that all
members of the BG are aware of the raid rules.
Use the following in game commands to gather and distribute raid loot in game:
- /bg invite playername - This command allows you to invite someone
Use /bg public to open the battlegroup to other players. Type /bg to see the full
of commands,
as setting a description, minimum level, etc.
- /bg loot chest enable - Sets the bg for all lot to be gathered into
loot chest.
- /bg loot chest spawn - Use this command to both spawn and despawn
loot chest.
can use this repeatedly without affecting the items inside.
- /random record 1000 - Start recording all /random 1000 rolls from
players in your
- /random stop - Stop recording rolls.
- /random list - List the sorted results of /random rolls.
- /bg loot chest grant - Use this command to allow the targetted
to remove one
item from the already spawned loot chest.
- /bg loot chest handout - Distribute the remaining items to the BG.
- /bg loot chest distribute - Distribute the gold evenly to the BG.
Weapon Effects
Weapon Effects are called "Incantations". Each Incantation supports multiple weapon types
are grouped
categories. Applying the effect is restricted based on the grouping.
Compact - crushing, hammers, blunt, axes and left axes, hand to hand,
spears, two handed, large weapons, flex, bows, shields, instruments and staffs.
Stout - crushing, hammers, blunt, axes and left axes, hand to hand,
scythes, polearms,
spears, two handed, large weapons and staffs.
Intense - swords, slash, thrust, blades, pierce, polearms, two handed,
large weapons
Long - swords, slash, thrust, blades, pierce, polearms, two handed,
weapons and
Short - swords, slash, thrust, blades, pierce, polearms, two handed,
weapons and
Great - swords, slash, thrust, blades, pierce, polearms, two handed,
weapons and
Lengthy - scythes, polearms, spears and staffs.
Smoldering Flame Incantations - Dragon Merchants (All Realms)
Compact |
Stout |
Intense |
Long |
Great |
Lengthy |
Cold Aura Incantations - Tuscaran Glacier Merchant & RR5 BP MERCHANT
Compact |
Intense |
Long |
Great |
Crimson Glow Incantations - Caer Sidi Merchant & RR5 BP MERCHANT
Compact |
Intense |
Long |
Great |
Maleficent Aura Incantations - Galladoria Merchant & RR5 BP MERCHANT
Demonic Lilac Incantations - Darkness Falls Merchant (All Realms)
Electric Incantations - Summoner's Hall Merchant (All Realms)
Compact |
Intense |
Ethereal Burn Incantations - Sobekite Merchant (All Realms)
Celestial Incantations - RR10 Merchant (All Realms)
Chromatic Sunset Incantations - RR11 Merchant (All Realms)
Compact |
Intense |
Neon Crimson Glow Incantations - Albion Dragons
Intense |
Lengthy |
Sparkling Cold Aura Incantations - Midgard Dragons
Lengthy |
Great |
Azure Haze Incantations - Hibernia Dragons
Intense |
Neon Maleficent Aura Incantations - Legion, High Lords, Princes
Intense |
Noxious Incantations - Lone Fighter (100 solo kills) (All Realms)
Short |
Poisonous Incantations - Lone Soldier (500 solo kills) (All Realms)
Short |
Black Death Incantations - Lone Enforcer (All Realms)
Short |
Compact |
Rook Wreckers Incantations - Stronghold Chief (1,000 tower captures)
Conquerors Furnace Incantations - Frontier Vanquisher (500 keep captures)
Class Changes
- Every class has their improved version of their RR5
- Realm Ability system uses 5 and 9 level skills (1.108)
- Determination cost reduced from 1/1/2/3/3/5/5/7/7 to 1/1/2/2/2/3/3/4/4, 34 to 22 total.
- Stoicism now has 3 levels, 1 - 10%, 2 - 20%, 3 - 25%.
- Many buffs coexists instead of overwrite/not apply
- All confusion spells are normalized to 3.0sec cast and 1500 range
- All single target buffs are normalized to 3.0sec cast and 1500 range
- Cure Nearsight and Purify Vision: These spells have been changed and will now
cure Silence
the target (1.101)
- All players who are wielding two weapons will now reduce their target's chance to block
evade by 25%
- CL magic resist increased from 10 to 20 minutes.
- CL Disease and DD+Snare spells have had their ranged reduced from 1500 to 1000.
- Bleed does not break mezz and root.
- Keep Lords and Tower Captains will block GTAE spells within 450 radius.
- GTAE DD spells no longer interrupts, has no Z-axis or LOS limit.
- Lifedrain spells no longer gain a damage bonus based on health return.
- CLs gives 50% more HP (like CL15. Max CL is still 10)
- Potion buffs can now be sheared.
- Protect distance has been increased from 1000 to 2500.
- Protect is 50% more effective versus pets.
- Taunts are 50% more effective versus pets.
- Focus shell applies a 25% melee absorb buff in the third tick.
- Focus shell can not be cast on pets.
- Repeated or rapid swapping of weapons will now result in a progressively increasing
to fumble the
next attack or spell cast.
- Guard bonus block per level has been increased from 5% to 10%.
- Intercept is now checked after other defences (block, evade, miss, etc.).
- When an attack is intercepted, the attacker style will always fail.
- The number of active pulses a player can have has been increased to 9.
- The Charge realm ability has been reduced from 15 to 12 seconds.
- Pets will only cast supporting spells (heals, buffs, cures) when idle.
- Memories of War reduced from 2% to 1% per level, 20% to 10% total.
- Armsman has been given Stoicism II (20%).
- Taunting Shout can hit enemy pets.
- Snapshot has been moved from 25 to 20 in Crossbow specialization.
- Tactics has been added at 40 Shield specialization.
- Added 3 dragon polearm weapons with Omnidrain + Celerity procs.
- Fury also applies to group members within a 250 unit radius.
- Mercenary has been given Stoicism III (25%)
- Dirty Tricks reuse timer has been reduced from 7 to 5 minutes
- Dissolute Swings no longer provides Debuff Shrug
- Dissolute Swings reuse timer has increased from 5m to 10m (1.128)
- Mercenaries can no longer cast Dirty Tricks while under the effect of Dissolute Swings
versa (1.128)
- Slam duration has been reduced from 9 to 5 seconds.
- Spec points increased from 2.0 to 2.3
- All Paladin resists chants have been removed.
- Paladin has been given tri-resist chants similar to Bard/Skald.
- Paladin has been given a secondary all magic resist chant.
- Paladin has been given Stoicism I (10%).
- The Level 50 Flexible style, Leviathan, is once again a rear positional (1.114)
- Leviathan damage has been increased from 113 to 125.
- Reaver have been granted access to the Charge Ability (1.111)
- Reavers have been given a new single target instant snare spell in Soulrending
- The Soulrending instant lifedrains have been combined into 1 spell list. This means that
only 1
instant lifedrain will be usable instead of 2.
- The instant lifedrains has had their range increased from 1000 to 1500 and their re-use
reduced from 30s to 20s. (1.114)
- Reaver has been given Stoicism I (10%)
- Instant DoT no longer breaks mezz/root on tick (still does on application)
- Added style Pin to 40 shield spec. (1.114)
- The Level 44 Flexible style, Cobra, has had it's lifedrain return value reduced from
100% to
- Offensive lifedrain proc buff has been changed from Self to Group target.
- Occultist is a class based on the New Necromancer, to become and Occultist, create a
character and speak to any Necromancer of Occultist trainer whilst level 1.
- Changing forms cooldown has been increased from 2 to 20 seconds.
- Summoned Pet relative level has been reduced from 100% to 88%.
- The damage for the AE DoT in Deathsight specialization has been reduced from
- The power cost for the AE DoT in Deathsight specialization has been reduced from
6/18/30/42/50/64 to
- The MoC component of "Bringer of Death" ability in Deathsight specialization has been
- The "Power Lock" ability in Death Servant specialization has been removed.
- The "Arawn's Legion" ability in Death Servant specialization has been removed.
- The "Soldier's Barricade" realm ability has been removed.
- Umbral Aegis and Spirit Aegis have gotten the following changes to solidify its role as
"tank" pet
- - Added taunt effect to Umbral Aegis' Umbral Slash style
- - Added AE taunt effect to Spirit Aegis' Spirit Slash style
- - Health is increased and damage is decreased for both versions
- - Self AF buffs have been replaced by an innately high base melee absorb
- Soultorn and Phantom have gotten the following changes to solidify its role as a "spell
damage" pet
- - Health is reduced and melee/magic absorb is greatly reduced
- - Removed matter debuff component from Soultorn DD+Snare
- Plated Fiend and Umbral Hulk have gotten the following changes to solidify its role as a
damage" pet
- - Melee damage is greatly increased (hulk even more than fiend)
- - Has a chance to proc a melee debuff on swing (hulk higher value than fiend)
- - Umbral Hulk has been given a short duration charge ability.
- Priest of Arawn and Image of Arawn have gotten the following changes to solidify its
role as
"support" pet
- - Both will begin healing at 80% (previously 50%). This an omniheal and also restores
endurance and
- - Image of Arawn will try to cure any poison, disease, nearsight, or rezz sickness from
- Succubus and Arch Demon have gotten the following changes to solidify its role as a
"utility" pet
- - Succubus has a yellow level single target mezz.
- - Arch Demon has a yellow level AE target mezz.
- - Arch Demon has a self cure nearsight.
- - Arch Demon has an AE dex/qui debuff.
- Added Matter Direct Damage spell to Matter Magic base line (1.121)
- Level 45 Lifetap in Body Magic spec line has had it's delve increased from 174 to 184
- Body, Spirit and Energy debuff spells have been removed.
- Added 8s Body/Spirit/Energy debuff spells to Spirit spec line (22, 33, 44)
- Pet Damage Add Exploit Flaw has been moved from 44 to 43.
- Added Matter Direct Damage spell to Matter Magic base line (1.121)
- Heat, Cold and Matter debuff spells have been removed.
- Added 8s Heat/Cold/Matter debuff spells to Body spec line (23, 33, 44)
- The snare component on DD+Snare spells have been increased to 50%.
- Cast time of DD+Snare spells have been reduced from 2.8 to 2.6.
- Pet cast while Mastery of Concentration is active will have reduced health based on
- Wizard have been granted access to the Thornweed Field Realm Ability.
- The snare component on DD+Snare spells have been increased to 50%.
- Cast time of DD+Snare spells have been reduced from 2.8 to 2.6.
- Level 40 Cure Nearsight has its cast time reduced from 4.0 to 3.5 (1.114)
- Level 25 Cure Nearsight with 6.0sec cast added (1.114)
- Damage spells in Smite scales like list caster spells
- Focus shell spell has been removed from Enhancement spec line.
- Cast time of pulsing cure poison/disease reduced to 3.2 (same as static)
- Level 25 Cure Nearsight with 6.0sec cast added to Rejuvenation spec line. (1.114)
- Level 40 Cure Nearsight with 3.5sec cast added to Rejuvenation spec line.
- Level 43 Group Cure Disease added to Rejuvenation spec line.
- Level 35 Focus Shield (70%) added to Enhancement spec line.
- The Level 50 Flexible style, Leviathan, is once again a rear positional (1.114)
- Leviathan damage has been increased from 113 to 125.
- Instant DoT no longer breaks mezz/root on tick (still does on application)
- The AOE focus snare has had its snare value reduced from 60% to 50%
- The Damage over Time poisons have had their damage values increased. (1.104)
- Level 8 Critical Strike style Pincer now has a 4sec stun instead of a 1% ABS debuff
- Poisons can be applied in combat.
- Poisons can be applied to crossbows.
- Receives the ability, Tracker's Alacrity, at level 35.
- Power shot cast time reduced from 6s to 3.5s and is now modifiable by dexterity. (1.121)
- Power shot recast time increased from 0 to 20 seconds. (1.121)
- Power shot now sets archery resistance (1.121)
- Archery resistance has been increased from -50% damage to -75%. (1.121)
- Elemental Shots have had their cast times reduced from 7.0s to 5.0s (1.121)
- Scout now gets Lithic (matter) and Somatic (body) shots. (1.121)
- Camouflage cooldown is now reset when the player scores a solo kill.
- Pulse charm no longer breaks root/mezz on expiry.
- Pulse charm has an innate 50% bonus duration (1.121).
- Minstrel have been granted access to the Determination Realm Ability.
- Berserker has been given Stoicism III (25%)
- Berserk reuse timer has been reduced from 7 to 5 minutes
- Berserk ability will now increase it's minimum critical damage by the critical chance of
- Savage have been granted access to the Charge Ability. (1.107)
- Savage has been given Stoicism II (20%).
- Taunt cast time increased from instant to 3.0, and range reduced from 1500 to 1350.
- Skalds can train the Determination Realm Ability (1.121)
- Speed pulse buff increased from 6 to 10 seconds.
- The Thane Hammer specialization line has had its damage table increased to be in line
Hybrid melee classes. (1.111)
- Chain Lightning cast time increased from instant to 2.0 seconds uninterruptable (1.125)
- Thane has been given Stoicism I (10%)
- The Level 50 Sword style, Ragnarok, is once again a rear positional
- Ragnarok damage has been increased from 100 to 125.
- Doomhammer Acuity scaling has been reduced by 5%
- Valkyrie has been given Stoicism I (10%)
- The Level 50 Sword style, Ragnarok, is once again a rear positional
- Ragnarok damage has been increased from 100 to 125.
- Testudo no longer snares, and can be activated with any sized shield equipped.
- Memories of War reduced from 2% to 1% per level, 20% to 10% total.
- Warrior has been given Stoicism II (20%)
- Tactics has been added at 40 Shield specialization.
- Fury also applies to group members within a 250 unit radius.
- Bonedancer Body Resist debuff duration reduced from 15s to 8s.
- Bonedancer minions on split will no longer have their aggro tables cleared completely
is set to passive.
- Cast time of DD+Snare spells have been reduced from 2.8 to 2.6.
- The instant Body debuff in Darkness spec line has had its values reduced from 15, 30, 50
10, 20,
- Healer minions will begin healing is at or below 80% (previously 75%)
- Heat, Cold and Matter debuff spells have been removed.
- Added 8s Heat/Cold/Matter debuff spells to Runecarving spec line (23, 33, 45).
- Runemaster have been granted access to the Thornweed Field Realm Ability.
- The snare component on DD+Snare spells have been increased to 50%.
- Cast time of DD+Snare spells have been reduced from 2.8 to 2.6.
- Body, Spirit and Energy debuff spells have been removed.
- Added 8s Body/Spirit/Energy debuff spells to Darkness spec line (22, 33, 45).
- Pet intercept rate reduced from 75% to 60%.
- Chamber cooldown has been increased from 3 to 8 seconds.
- Damage from chamber spells are reduced by 25% (This does not affect non-damaging
- Level 40 Cure Nearsight has its cast time reduced from 4.0 to 3.5 (1.114)
- Level 25 Cure Nearsight with 6.0sec cast added (1.114)
- A Mez-Dampening self-buff has been added to the Augmentation spec line (1.114)
- Cast time of pulsing cure poison/disease reduced to 3.2 (same as static).
- Level 25 Cure Nearsight with 6.0sec cast added to Mending spec line. (1.114)
- Level 40 Cure Nearsight with 3.5sec cast added to Mending spec line.
- Health regen buffs converted to HoTs.
- Level 39 Group Cure Disease added to Augmentation spec line.
- Level 35 Focus Shield (70%) added to Augmentation spec line.
- Shaman level 39 Dex/Qui buff has been increased from 58 to 60
- Cave spec DD cast time reduced from 3.0 to 2.6
- Cave level 48 spec DD has been added.
- Cave level 48 spec Bolt has been added.
- The Damage over Time poisons have had their damage values increased. (1.104)
- Level 8 Critical Strike style Pincer now has a 4sec stun instead of a 1% ABS debuff
- Poisons can be applied in combat.
- Poisons can be applied to throwing weapons.
- Receives the ability, Tracker's Alacrity, at level 35.
- Power shot cast time reduced from 6s to 3.5s and is now modifiable by dexterity. (1.121)
- Power shot recast time increased from 0 to 20 seconds. (1.121)
- Power shot now sets archery resistance (1.121)
- Archery resistance has been increased from -50% damage to -75%. (1.121)
- Hunters have lost the pet-targeted self str/con buff from the Beastcraft specialization.
- Hunter pets now automatically cast their self-str/con buff when summoned. (Same value as
buff with 25% buff bonus) (1.121)
- Elemental Shots have had their cast times reduced from 7.0s to 5.0s (1.121)
- Hunter now gets Benthic (cold) and Tempestuous (spirit) shots. (1.121)
- Camouflage cooldown is now reset when the player scores a solo kill.
- Blademaster has been given Stoicism III (25%)
- Triple Wield reuse timer has been reduced from 7 to 5 minutes
- Triple Wield also increases the Blademaster’s damage by 15% and accuracy by 10%. (1.111)
- Slam duration has been reduced from 9 to 5 seconds.
- Champion has been given Stoicism I (10%)
- The Level 50 Large Weapon style, Annihilation, is once again a rear positional and has
its stun
reduced from 9 to 7 seconds. (1.114)
- Added style Pin to 40 shield spec. (1.114)
- Combat Awareness no longer snares, but outgoing damage is reduced.
- Memories of War reduced from 2% to 1% per level, 20% to 10% total.
- Hero has been given Stoicism II (20%)
- The Level 50 Large Weapon style, Annihilation, is once again a rear positional and has
its stun
reduced from 9 to 7 seconds.
- Fury also applies to group members within a 250 unit radius.
- The Group Damage Add spells in the Arboreal Mastery specialization line have been
- Blizzard Blade damage proc has been reduced by 15%, from 198 to 168.
- Vampiir power gain from melee now scales with group size, from 70% when solo to 122.5%
in a
full group. (This does not affect power bolt or RR5)
- Claw damage has been reduced by 15%
- Added "Blessing of the Night" (Cure Root) ability to Dementia spec line at level 30.
- Animists have been granted access to the Ichor of the Deep Realm Ability. (1.114)
- Animists may now summon up to 8 pets instead of 5. (1.114)
- Added level 50 lifetap to Arboreal Path. (1.121)
- Pet cast while Mastery of Concentration is active will have reduced health based on
- Added Matter DD bomber in Creeping spec line. (1.121)
- Added Healing and Disease shrooms to Animist Creeping spec. (1.121)
- Single Target root moved from Spectral Force spec line to base line (1.128)
- Added cure mezz to Phantasmal Wail.
- Changed PBAE acuity shear to random shear.
- Fall-off damage has been enabled for the AoE bolt spells (1.111)
- Ethereal Shriek ranged shield changed to melee ablative
- The AoE nuke and AoE bolt have had their damage types changed from Body to Cold damage.
- Added cold nuke to Bainshee Ethereal Shriek spec line (1.121)
- The focus AOE nearsight in Ethereal Shriek spec line now has a max target limit of 8, 9,
11, 12
for spells at levels 6, 16, 26, 36, 46
- Base STR debuff moved from Void Magic base line to Light Magic base line (1.110)
- Base DEX debuff moved from Void Magic base line to Mana Magic base line (1.110)
- Added Energy Direct Damage spell to Mana Magic base line (1.114)
- Eldritch have been granted access to the Ichor of the Deep Realm Ability. (1.121)
- Body, Spirit and Energy debuff spells have been removed.
- Added 8s Body/Spirit/Energy debuff spells to Void spec line (22, 33, 45)
- The snare component on DD+Snare spells have been increased to 50%.
- Cast time of DD+Snare spells have been reduced from 2.8 to 2.6.
- Added STR debuff to Light Magic base line (1.110)
- Added DEX debuff to Mana Magic base line (1.110)
- Added single target root to Enchantment base line (1.110)
- Root has had the damage type changed from Body to Heat.
- Added Energy Direct Damage spell to Mana Magic base line (1.114)
- Single target attack speed decrease has been moved from Light spec line to Mana spec
- Heat, Cold and Matter debuff spells have been removed.
- Added 8s Heat/Cold/Matter debuff spells to Mana spec line (23, 33, 44).
- Underhill Ally will begin healing at or below 80% (previously 50%)
- Added STR debuff to Light Magic base line (1.110)
- Added DEX debuff to Mana Magic base line (1.110)
- The Mentalism specialization DD/Heal has had its healing component removed and its
- Added Energy Direct Damage spell to Mana Magic base line (1.114)
- Selective Blindness cooldown increased from 5 to 10 minutes (1.128)
- Pulse charm no longer breaks root/mezz on expiry
- Pulse charm has an innate 50% bonus duration (1.121).
- Added a secondary instant DD to Music spec line (1.102)
- A Mezz-Dampening self-buff has been added to the Nurture spec line (1.114)
- Level 25 Cure Nearsight with 6.0sec cast added (1.114)
- Amnesia range reduced from 2300 to 2000 (1.116)
- Level 40 Cure Nearsight has it's cast time reduced from 4.0 to 3.5 (1.114)
- Level 25 Cure Nearsight with 6.0sec cast added (1.114)
- The Damage over Time spell from the Nature Affinity Specialization has been moved to the
Spell List (1.101)
- Focus shell spell has been removed from Nurture spec line
- Cast time of pulsing cure poison/disease reduced to 3.2 (same as static)
- A new greater heal spell has been added to the Regrowth Specialization Line (1.110)
- A new group heal has been added to the Regrowth Specialization Line (1.110)
- Added a single target root to Regrowth spec line
- Level 25 Cure Nearsight with 6.0sec cast added to Regrowth spec line. (1.114)
- Level 40 Cure Nearsight with 3.5sec cast added to Regrowth spec line.
- Level 43 Group Cure Disease added to Regrowth spec line.
- Level 35 Focus Shield (70%) added to Nurture spec line.
- The Damage over Time poisons have had their damage values increased. (1.104)
- Level 8 Critical Strike style Pincer now has a 4sec stun instead of a 1% ABS debuff
- Poisons can be applied in combat.
- Celts can become Nightshades. (1.102)
- Receives the ability, Tracker's Alacrity, at level 35. (1.111)
- Frozen Comet moved to 35 Celtic Dual. (1.114)
- Power shot cast time reduced from 6s to 3.5s and is now modifiable by dexterity. (1.121)
- Power shot recast time increased from 0 to 20 seconds. (1.121)
- Power shot now sets archery resistance (1.121)
- Archery resistance has been increased from -50% damage to -75%. (1.121)
- Elemental Shots have had their cast times reduced from 7.0s to 5.0s (1.121)
- Ranger now gets Pyroclasmic (heat) and Entropic (energy) shots. (1.121)
- Camouflage cooldown is now reset when the player scores a solo kill.