Bone Commander pets can hurt keep lords even though both doors are closed.

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Bone Commander pets can hurt keep lords even though both doors are closed.


Just did Cathal Valley and the Albs took the keep shortly before wiped them in the lord room. After that we thought we might as well kill the lord since we were there, taking the keep back but it was immune to dmg due to both doors being intact (as it should be apparently based on the 100% immune messag we got when trying to hurt him that mentioned the doors being intact).

What we didn't expect was that the Bone Dancer pets could hurt the lord and even kill it (returning the keep to us) which struck us all as unintended. Neither of us are familiar with the live servers so if this is all according to plan, please ignore this post (although leaving a comment saying it is intended would be welcome in order to clear any confusion) ^_^

No clue whether this bug(?) applies to all pets, regardless of being summoned or charmed or if it's a Dread Commander only thing.
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Re: Bone Commander pets can hurt keep lords even though both doors are closed.

Not only a pet but also an archery issue. Not able to melee the lord but could be killed by archery too.

This was in Molvik.
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