Inconsistency with Recorder and Protection of the Underhill

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Inconsistency with Recorder and Protection of the Underhill

I cannot reliably reproduce this as it has been random, but the frequency I encounter it is increasing.

I'm using the following Recorder Macro:

Shield of War
Protection of the Underhill (enchanter RR5)

This used to work really well and fire 100% of the time. The last couple weeks, it has become inconsistent where only shield of war fires when I hit the button sometimes. This happens enough to be a problem, but not enough to reliable reproduce in a "lab" with 10 minute cooldowns. It seems to ignore Protection of the Underhill some % of the time even though it's up.

I have also set the buttons up in the opposite order so it fires Protection of the Underhill first, but it still tends to skip over the ability at random even if its up..

I may move this to a mouse based dual key macro next to see if it makes a difference next as it's becoming problematic and unreliable.
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Re: Inconsistency with Recorder and Protection of the Underhill

Can you post a combat log?
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