House availability

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House availability


We are very late in the season and still impossible to buy a house, I had to stop DAOC for more then a month and now, impossible to acquire one because of prices.

Could you please add more houses?

Thanks for everything, really having a blast on Eden <3 8-)
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Re: House availability

It´s not impossible. I´ve bought a Alb house 1.5 months ago for 5p.

1. Check the open plots.
2. Check the price at the plots.
3. Every hour the price will drop by 1-1.5p (dunno the exact amount)
4. Calculate when the price drops to around +/- 5p
5. Park one of your chars there
6. Be lucky and buy it before someone else.
7. You won´t buy it for a very low amount like 300g... YOu will need in the most cases several platins for the plot alone.

Houses are luxury objects.
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Re: House availability

I have to agree with the people who are asking for the housing availability issue. I have played DAOC since original launch and many of the free shards and all the housing plots have been available for purchase. There are whole housing zones that have no plots at all for some reason, and its not due to population. Been running around trying to buy a house as I always do and there is an artificial scarcity of plots that does not seem conducive to the player needs/population. Is there a technical reason why all the plots are not available?
Thank you all for your consideration about this issue.
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