5mans running 2man living frontier

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5mans running 2man living frontier

The title is just an example. The server has been plagued by 4-5mans to even 8mans roaming the 2man deserters areas. The same could be said for 8mans in the 5man living frontier area.

There is a large amount of the player base that likes to small man. I'm not really understanding the point of having these areas if you actually try to run these as a duo and get constantly run down by 5mans or more.

Yes there are always exceptions with keep takes/bg rvr going on in the area, but I feel the problem is more consistent than these outlier conditions.

Why not discourage this behavior for larger groups killing smaller numbers in these areas?

Fully expecting plenty of "QQ you died in an RVR zone" replies. That's fine. You're entitled to your opinion as I am mine, and it's my opinion that this ruins the gameplay experience for many players and discourages them from playing.
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Re: 5mans running 2man living frontier

You forgot to mention the part about how you are going to do this...

I do not know of any good ways. The problem with the LF Duo quests is that there are items of strategic value in the duo zones. There's reasons, unrelated to LF, for all sizes of people and groups to be there at all times, so it's not really fair to punish anybody. Why should a Full Group get discouraged from cutting off reinforcements at the dock for example?

The best thing I can think of is to move the duo zone somewhere where there's no business for people to be there sort of like the box zone. If you're duoing in the box zone, you look like an obvious loser because there's no other reason to be there. We would need that sort of setting for the duos. Maybe move them to EV or something that isnt used a lot.
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Re: 5mans running 2man living frontier

Valid points. I do have ideas for solutions, but was attempting to defer to the devs on how they would best resolve it. They’ve proven to be competent and it would be hard for me to believe they haven’t already done some thinking on this, as it is a constant complaint in /adv or /reg whenever I play.

Main goal of this post is to basically “bump” it as an issue. Seems like a lot of good duo or small man fights could be occurring but don’t happen because they get rolled over by larger groups in these areas.

I like the idea of a more isolated zone for these quests.
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