Event feedback so far.

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Event feedback so far.

This is from an albion players point of view but the event has to me been 50/50 for me. Its pretty pointless trying to take keeps as once you reach a critical mass of defenders the keep becomes untakable, so glad we are attacking mid not hib as it would just been a rp fest for hibs even more than it has been for the mids. This meant mids after the initial fights just stayed in fens last night and it was impossible to get access to border keeps

Disconnects was a major issue last night which was not fun for those affected, fortunately not me and some of the large on field battles I had with both hibs and mids was fun win or lose.

Obvious problem is cross realming...played for last few hours and there is no Hib BG or a very small one and the Alb BG is about 2-3 fgs with the odd 8-man wandering. There are best part of 200-250 mids sticking together (which is correct) so i wonder where the hib (and some alb) players have gone.

No point playing at moment as mids can just take back any keeps and the keeps have levelled to a level where the 30 or so albs cannot kill guards and get door down before mids respond. Most have logged and are waiting for the forced activation of the next stage later.


At the start of future events lock players to the realm they have the most loyalty with. They cannot switch to a less favoured realm whilst event is in process.

Not sure if changing the ability for the mids to retake the keeps was planned or if there was a reason why it could not be implemented but the original idea of keeps not being taken was better in my opinion.

The large 3 way fights at the start of the event were awesome and is in my opinion what DAoC is all about and what the game should be balanced around, soloing and 8 mans are just alternative options and the first few hours of the event was some of the best fun I have had on any of the private servers I have played and I enjoyed all of them. However currently it is not, cross realming in my opinion has kind of dulled my experience as it is impossible to actually do anything to progress the event, its just a rp farm for the loyal and not so loyal mids.

I am saying this from a keep taker and zerger point of view. I imagine its been quite fun for the stealthers running solo or 2-3 man at the mile gates. 8 mans I cant comment as they just do what 8 mans do...look for other 8 mans, avoid the zerg and stomp solos and small mans, they dont really add to the event.

See you guys at the forced activation.
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Re: Event feedback so far.

Mids are usually around 40% of the population, cross realming is not an issue.
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Re: Event feedback so far.

Event is very lame. First off being defenders that's what we supposed to do. Being treated like we doing something wrong by doing what we are supposed to do defend! Forcing us to give up Fens and border keeps what a joke. Only thing we have ever got is server rolled back twice resetting 4 relic takes. then what put in event that was supposed to be roll forward to pay us back giant alb/hib zergs couldn't make hardly RP's again all geared Alb/Hib. Now punished for defending realm well what did we get Fens stole from us. Warlock put in to kill everyone. Made to give up SF and VF all because Hibs/Albs cry and you give them anything they want. If it was Mids invading you'd say to bad so sad. Not to mention Karen promised the King would give us a Handsome reward for defending and NOTHING! And that He would request the we move to border keeps not just drop a Warlock bombing npc on us all to kill us pretty straight forward you have no concern for Mid player or any respect for us. wonder how many Players going leave over all this and wondering if I should just bail.
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Re: Event feedback so far.

Saulaus I agree the loyal Mids did nothing wrong it was just the cross realmers that swelled your numbers. The reason the border keeps were changed was due to the door bug. It was impossible to get through. If the devs did nothing the event would not had got past stage 1. It was a good idea but implemented badly...having to take all OF keeps to open border keeps was bad idea...you just hole up in one keep, which was fens and once you get a critical mass of defenders the keep becomes impossible to take. Then the door bug when trying to take VF made it impossible. Not being able to go left side just made Mids stack their AOE in one spot and our tanks were being Insta popped when charging through. In hindsight the double doors should had been removed and replaced by 2 super tough doors that a Ram could damage. The stage where we were in Mid homeland was again pointless the way it was implemented. I believe we had to take all towns to trigger king but that was easy to prevent as mids just stayed in 1 huge bg and either defended FT Atla (a huge chokepoint easy to defend with aoe) or just take 1 town.

I can see how it looked from the Mid side but if they had not done something to fix the door bug the event would had been a complete waste of time. Personally think if the OF stage was to capture 3/4 of mids keeps to open Border keep instead of all that would had been better for all.
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Re: Event feedback so far.

Asulfr wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 6:18 pm Mids are usually around 40% of the population, cross realming is not an issue.
You are correct. It's just usually 1/2 to 2/3 the Mids pve Dragon or battlegrounds or something. If they actually turned out like they did for event instead of pve. The RvR bg's look much different for Mid. Devs your the ones wanted a event to reward yourselves for winning a event you already got reward for. Then all the Albs/Hibs cry when Mids actually turn out and are united. then of course here comes all the tears and Dev assistance for Alb/Hib the event was a bad joke and we see no matter what Mid does you are against us Devs.
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Re: Event feedback so far.

well to be fair it was the first time this event really took place and while mids did defend well and had very large numbers, overall some elements of the event just didn't work and drastically favored defenders.

It's better to have the event roll through from start to finish so future versions of the event are improved and mids can have fun attacking in a future event.

Pretty sure mids would have been unhappy too if they faced the same difficulties (not able to go through doors of the border keeps and LoS issues)

Mids won, everybody knows it.
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Re: Event feedback so far.

I last played DAoC on Guinevere, in 2004 (from release till 2004).

For me though only 45 during event, it was amazing to run through the mid frontier and see very large numbers. Unlike old days, for once I didn't lag and disconnect and it was very nostalgic!

I did die as ungrouped I straggled behind and got ganked a lot and the run through the mid frontier is very long (Brought back memories). I just ported through a few times for the fun of it!

Thanks for the dose of nostalgia!
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Re: Event feedback so far.

you just hole up in one keep, which was fens
Tillbeast wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:48 am
This was not the case Fens most often had 1-2 groups inside defending. Mid was coordinated and that was a problem for Alb/Hib. If you saw a lot of Mids defending most often it was a flank.

After it was found to not be an easy take most of Hib logged and did not event attempt further takes. Alb was divided and the BG could never coordinate well enough to get past AMG.

The order in which the keeps were taken was a mistake as well it made no tactical sense knowing the distance you would have to travel to Fens. Alb and Hib bg leads failed and that is the answer.

Alb and Hibs never should of made it to the mainland to invade and that was given to them, leaving no room to complain about the event at all. This was not the PTR and if the mechanic wasn't met to allow travel into mid then it shouldn't of been forced.
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Re: Event feedback so far.

Agreed doc never thought I'd see the day when Devs intervene into a RvR event assisting 2 realms against another. It was complete disrespect to game and Mid players. Especially a Dev (Karen) announcing that the King would decree Mids Loyal and successful and asking us to move inside our borders. And promising us a reward then dropping a Bombing warlock on our heads instead to kill us all no Kings blessing No rewards just multiple Dragons dropped on our heads and asked to move again because we were winning. It is not our fault if there was any bugs. Not our fault you couldn't get through and no reason to lie to players and treat them with such disregard and lies. Your event you made it you forced all the Mids out of pve to be united if you look everyday the Mids make 40% or better the population 2/3 just in PvE wish they were in RvR because if so we would Rule the sever daily like we did the event.
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