fenrir prophets bolting WAY less frequently after patch #43

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fenrir prophets bolting WAY less frequently after patch #43

Patch #43 mentions "Spellcasting pets should now behave more responsive when their previous target becomes unavailable."

Prior to today, the Fenrir Prophet charmed pets were pretty amazing. They cast stun and they bolt. Like, they bolted a lot! Not quite like "machine gun" fast, but they'd SPAM that bolt.

Now with patch #43, they're supposed to be more responsive, but they just BARELY cast bolts at all now. They'll even just run into melee to hit targets instead of casting. He got rooted by a druid and just sat there not casting even with enemies in range. They used to be so good for interrupting targets, but not so much now. Been out duoing all evening, and in every fight, every circumstance, the prophets are just bolting CONSIDERABLY less often.

If it was an intended nerf and not a bug, sorry for the report. But the patch notes say "behave more responsive" and not "bolt considerably less frequently than before," so thought I'd mention it.