bugged interaction with Sorc rr5 ability, Mastery of Concentration, and Recorder

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bugged interaction with Sorc rr5 ability, Mastery of Concentration, and Recorder

TLDR - Sorcs can use rr5 and then ALSO cast MoC at the same time (shouldn't be able to do this) if they use Recorder to cast MoC. This allows them to have 90% reduced incoming melee damage while spamming lifetap with MoC.


Gonna nerf my own class with this one, but it's the right thing to do.

Sorc rr5 is supposed to not allow you to use MoC at the same time, since it would be kinda busted to only take <50 dmg per melee swing while MoC-lifetapping and never dropping below 90% hp.

However, I combined MoC and the /use ability on Astral Belt of Positive Energy (summons a heal pet for 45sec) using Recorder so that they'd both fire at the same time, since basically any time I want to use MoC is when I'm both interrupted AND taking damage.

The other day I used sorc rr5 with a savage on me, but then my cleric duo had a melee on him too. So I decided to use the recorder key to pop MoC and the heal pet at the same time, thinking that it wouldn't use the MoC (since I was already using sorc rr5) but would use the heal pet.

Instead, it cast both. And I was able to freely lifetap the tanks while taking 90% reduced dmg from sorc rr5.

This should be impossible. I confirmed today that it works consistently.

The recorder binds in question that I used were: /recorder start, click belt /use, click Moc, /recorder save mocheal.

To reproduce: make the above recorder macro. pop sorc rr5. click the recorder key. begin MoC-lifetapping while taking 90% reduced melee damage.
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Re: bugged interaction with Sorc rr5 ability, Mastery of Concentration, and Recorder

Thank you for your report, this will be resolved by next patch.