Arguments for restoration of Hunter pet charm Icestrider Frostweaver and synopsis of implications.

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Arguments for restoration of Hunter pet charm Icestrider Frostweaver and synopsis of implications.

Arguments for restoration of Hunter pet charm Icestrider Frostweaver and synopsis of implications. (Draft 1)

Midgard has 13 classes. Hibernia has 14. Albion has 15. Looking at data I can see that hunter is Mid’s 3rd most played class. Let us, for sake of argument, assume the same amount of players on each realm are split equally between the classes available. Let us use 100 players as the player count in each realm. So for 100 Mids, we are looking at about 7.7 Hunters. Hib 7.1 Rangers. Alb 6.6 Scouts. Here we have a clear basis of understanding as to why I feel the following disproportionally affects Midgard.

Mid has three caster classes, and those caster classes function with spirit train and cold train damage. The hunter has cold shot, and the ability to charm Icestrider Frostweaver for significant ranged cold dd damage. Currently mid has only two charm classes. The spirit master, and the very limited charm options of the hunter, animal, reptile, and insect. Currently you can go see a working icestrider frostweaver, and a non working frostweaver on the eden forums bugs channel topic, “Spirit Prism BUGGED”. This actually isn't limited to spirit prism. It actually extends to the FZ.

I’ve asked multiple times over the past weeks if the removal of the frostweavers DD is an eden custom change, to no response. If it was a custom change then this custom change disproportionately affects Mid for the reasons outlined above. More custom changes would be needed to remedy this. A simple custom change would be allowing the frostweavers caught in spirit prism in Raum to maintain their ability, if Eden staff thought frostweavers were overpowered in group play. I don't consider this to be a valid argument though since there is a plethora of strong charms available to every other charm class. If this is not a custom change then it is a class changing, realm changing, server changing bug and should be addressed immediately.

I look forward to a response from any of the server staff regarding this matter. I am hoping this matter gets resolved before the next realm event. Midgard got stomped and instead of whining and complaining I’ve been trying to figure out where we went wrong as a realm and what we can work with within the parameters of the game to compete better. Shield swipe aoe dd damage was one facet, I believe this is another. Bringing Hunters into groups for cold assist train is a big deal and fixing the ability on the frostweaver makes this very much more viable. Especially with so many hunters being played. In bg play as well the hunter would benefit from a ranged pet, but the only ranged pet with working DD is bloodletter. Which will get you thrown out of a bg.

In conclusion hunters deserve working pet charm mob icestrider frostweaver. Not only do we deserve it, we need it. Thank you to anyone who took the time to read this. I am very passionate about my realm and the game. TLDR Fix Icestrider Frosweavers for Hunters.
Last edited by DAOCPIMP on Thu Feb 15, 2024 1:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Arguments for restoration of Hunter pet charm Icestrider Frostweaver and synopsis of implications.

thank you soo much

I did not honestly even know hunters could charm things.

The current wolf pet is pretty strong when the disease lands. You can also summon it ahead of time, hide, and then instantly resummon it if it dies for two pets. It does not have a lot of health though.

I'm playing hib, so from my perspective I would love to see you guys charming ice striders rather than instant cast disease wolfs. Even ice striders that are casting ice DD spells would be way more beneficial to me then the unbreakable snare. The wolf forces you to kill it first. I could mostly ignore a DD casting ice strider.
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