Realm Swapping for s2

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Realm Swapping for s2

Hey all,

Seems a lot of what I can see from talking to friends and seeing some posts on discord, the main effect of the new patch changes is having is making everyone swap realms, and I've heard no one say they want to go to Hib. Other realms look far more open to different class groups for a lot of situations. Hib will be the underdog s2 for sure (as the scripture says) with so many I know wanting to move to Mid/Alb. I'm always thinking of the 8v8 style groups in general for balance focus but don't see much 'balance' with all current changes in Beta but do see huge power creep, Omni Debuffs are the worst ( time to kill is insanely quick ) and with the new Det changes it's even more of a RA Dump in so many fights. rr5s could also use some levelling out we all know the classes who has the strongest and some are useless.
I've played Hib for all the last 20 years and only play Hero and I don't feel like any change brought anything that wants me to play a Tank ( Wardens got buffed i guess but you took 10% of my resists ). So overall these changes are making me feel like moving too......I mean I won't but I feel like the options the other realms, or even other classes could be more interesting.

I'd love to know anyone that's thinking of coming to Hib with the new changes and the reasons why so I can see some of you exist.

Or alternatively someone could lay out their reason for wanting to go Mid/Alb.

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