New Players and Getting Groups

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Re: New Players and Getting Groups

RussellAdams wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2023 8:01 am
mackmall wrote: Wed Jul 26, 2023 7:52 pm first toon in 20 years wanted to RvR got to 50 in a few days now i have spent 6 days looking for any group not 1 group in 6 days for anything.. joined a guild, type in /lfg and even tried a bit of solo RvR. What i have found is people only play with there close friends that they have been playing with for years. If your not one of 3 classes people need in a zerg your sol
It's an old game and the server pop is ridiculously small. DAoC has been a niche game for a few decades. And you're right, unless you are lucky enough to find people to play in the same exact time window, it's not worth playing. I log in now and again and try to get a group going on a number of toons. No one responds. I've been messing with it all summer.

Daoc is like that great girlfriend you might have had in high school. Twenty-years later she's not interested in your nostalgia, lol.

That being said, you could always get 50 with this god-awful quests, eventually. At that point you can log in and try to get into a BG group. (/who BG). A lot of times I've noticed folks also have specific BG class requests - heals, speed, CC. Usually.
I agree!! Buff the xp, lessen the farm, triple the RPS. People want RPS!!
Send It.
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Re: New Players and Getting Groups

kulina_stargazer wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 8:30 pm Is it possible to get a group while leveling up currently? I understand you have to pay your dues in the newbie zone, but at some point along the way it would be great to get some groups and make friends.

How is the pace of leveling? Lets say I play a few hours a day, would I reach 50 in a month?
I've never had any difficulty with finding a group for doing levelling, whether it's via quests, dungeon runs, or hopping into a battleground. Now, what I mean are temporary groups for a few hours or a night, not a dedicated group for going 1-50 with them alone. If that's the kind of group you mean, then I'm not sure, aside from perhaps joining a guild and joining one being pre-made.

Ask folks you encounter questing if they'd like another. Post in /LFG that you're looking to do a specific zone and level range of quests, and want to join others. Keep an eye out in /advice as well, as sometimes they're interchangeable. Like I said before, I never had too much trouble with it. Some nights I strike out, but the majority of the time, I get an invite within a few minutes of trying, or I start up a group to run something specific.

For example, this is what I'd post in /lfg
'19 Paladin (me) and 19 Friar (my wife's character) looking for more to complete Tomb of Mithra. All classes welcome. PST.'

Or if I want to be super fancy pants:
' 19 Paladin (me) and 19 Friar (wife's character name) looking to complete Tomb of Mithra. We need six more brave and adventurous souls to descend into the tomb of horrors to bring the light of Albion to those wretched undead!'

Something like that can get a group going in a few minutes. Even if it doesn't fill up to an eight-man, you can usually do it all easily. Also, yeah, the second is silly and will make the non-roleplayers on Eden (which is, like, 99% of them) laugh, but I found that being charismatic, funny, and attention grabbing benefits you greatly. Especially when I'm asking to join a group with a raid. Eventually, people will start remembering your name and invites will come more swiftly from people who have played with you before. (...unless you repeatedly wipe the group, then maybe they won't.)

As for BGs, I'd say RvR is a bit more selective with who invites who, but being in the BG itself and asking around is your best bet. I never found it too difficult to find a group willing to take me.

Finally, levelling speed. If my wife and I level as a duo with a class pairing that is very compatible, we can hit 50 in about 30-40 hours of in-game time. Our first 50s on the server were a Paladin/Friar duo, and it took us 1 day, 15 hours, and 55 minutes (managed to screenshot a /played two minutes after hitting 50), including time taken to level our crafting so we could salvage. Every pair after that was much faster, because we got used to the zones, quests within them, etc. The Eden Quests are amazing, enjoyable, and make PvEing a real treat. Some folks refuse to level any way other than in BGs, and that's fine, but the PvE quests are relaxing and a great way to explore the realm.

Good luck in Season 2. :)
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Re: New Players and Getting Groups

I like the the way you think and handle group finding :)

If you and your wife are looking for a german speaking guild on Alb in S2, please contact me (Teri, Terith, Teripa, ... from LUX Reunion)
If you need something (help with TOA encounters, epic mobs, ...), tell me (or ask anyone from LUX about Teri)
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Re: New Players and Getting Groups

Teri wrote: Tue Nov 14, 2023 10:57 am @Arshesmaral
I like the the way you think and handle group finding :)

If you and your wife are looking for a german speaking guild on Alb in S2, please contact me (Teri, Terith, Teripa, ... from LUX Reunion)
If you need something (help with TOA encounters, epic mobs, ...), tell me (or ask anyone from LUX about Teri)
Alas, I only speak English, very business oriented Japanese (from school back in 2000, so I guess I don't anymore), and some kinda sorta but not actually faux-French Canadian that I butcher to make my wife facepalm.

That, and we're not sure what realm we're going to play yet, as it seems a tie between Alb and Mid.

If we do end up on Albion, though, I'll definitely group up for anything, though. :D
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