NS blade Template v2

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NS blade Template v2

Zenkcraft Spellcrafting Tool
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ ... sp=sharing
Last Saved: 10:13 PM May 18, 2023
Version: 8.2.10

109 / 104 Strength
99 / 99 Constitution
103 / 98 Dexterity
52 / 96 Quickness
0 / 75 Intelligence
0 / 75 Piety
0 / 75 Charisma
0 / 75 Empathy
400 / 400 Hit Points
0 / 26 Power

Melee Damage: 14%
Style Damage: 10%
Melee Speed: 11%
Armor Factor: 30%
Endurance Regen: 1%
Evade: 3%

Resists (Racials not included)
23% Crush
26% Slash
26% Thrust
25% Heat
25% Cold
21% Matter
30% Body
31% Energy
20% Spirit

13 Stealth
16 Blades
16 Piercing
11 Critical Strike
11 Envenom
11 Celtic Dual


Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 63.66
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 33.5
1. (Stat) Constitution: +28 [(Perfect) Earthen Essence Jewel]
2. (Resist) Slash: +5% [(Flawed) Watery Shielding Jewel]
3. (Resist) Thrust: +5% [(Flawed) Airy Shielding Jewel]
4. (Skill) Critical Strike: +5 [(Imperfect) Heated Battle Jewel]

Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 70
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 37.5 of 33.5
1. (Resist) Heat: +7% [(Imperfect) Heated Shielding Jewel]
2. (Resist) Thrust: +9% [(Polished) Airy Shielding Jewel]
3. (Resist) Slash: +9% [(Polished) Watery Shielding Jewel]
4. (Skill) Celtic Dual: +4 [(Flawed) Icy War Spell Stone]

Name: Cured Blackthorn Vest
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 116.33
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +25
2. (Stat) Constitution: +25
3. (H.P.) Hit Points: +60
4. (Resist) Crush: +1%
5. (Resist) Slash: +1%
6. (Resist) Thrust: +1%
7. (Skill) Stealth: +3
8. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +3
9. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +4
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +6

Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 59.66
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 37 of 33.5
1. (Stat) Constitution: +28 [(Perfect) Earthen Essence Jewel]
2. (Skill) Celtic Dual: +1 [(Raw) Icy War Spell Stone]
3. (Skill) Critical Strike: +6 [(Polished) Heated Battle Jewel]
4. (Resist) Matter: +3% [(Rough) Earthen Shielding Jewel]

Name: Blue Suede Boots
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 108
Source Type: Loot
1. (H.P.) Hit Points: +40
2. (Resist) Crush: +1%
3. (Resist) Slash: +1%
4. (Resist) Spirit: +1%
5. (Resist) Thrust: +1%
6. (Skill) Envenom: +4
7. (Bonus) Style Damage: +4
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +10
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +10
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +40

Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 62.66
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 37 of 33.5
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +4 [(Uncut) Vapor Essence Jewel]
2. (Resist) Cold: +9% [(Polished) Icy Shielding Jewel]
3. (Resist) Crush: +11% [(Faceted) Fiery Shielding Jewel]
4. (Skill) Celtic Dual: +4 [(Flawed) Icy War Spell Stone]

Right Hand
Name: Fine Steel Long Sword
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 105
Source Type: Loot
: 1:00 min
1. (Stat) Strength: +15
2. (Resist) Crush: +1%
3. (Resist) Energy: +1%
4. (Resist) Slash: +1%
5. (Resist) Spirit: +1%
6. (Resist) Thrust: +1%
7. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +5
8. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +4
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +10
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Quickness: +10

Left Hand
Name: Sword of Sorrow
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 108
Source Type: Loot
: Body
1. (Stat) Strength: +19
2. (Stat) Dexterity: +19
3. (Stat) Quickness: +19
4. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +4
5. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +4
6. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +4
7. (Stat Cap) Cap Quickness: +5

Two Handed
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 0
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 0 of 33.5

Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 0
Source Type: Spellcraft
Imbue Points: 0 of 33.5

Name: Hibernia Medal of Honor
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 90
Source Type: Loot
1. (Resist) Body: +5%
2. (Resist) Cold: +5%
3. (Resist) Crush: +5%
4. (Resist) Energy: +5%
5. (Resist) Heat: +5%
6. (Resist) Matter: +5%
7. (Resist) Slash: +5%
8. (Resist) Spirit: +5%
9. (Resist) Thrust: +5%

Name: Searing Fiend Cloak
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 122
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +18
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +40
3. (Resist) Body: +7%
4. (Resist) Energy: +7%
5. (Skill) Envenom: +3
6. (Skill) Stealth: +3
7. (Bonus) Melee Damage: +2
8. (Bonus) Style Damage: +2
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +6
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +40

Name: Searing Fiend Gem
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 114
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Quickness: +18
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +40
3. (Resist) Body: +7%
4. (Resist) Energy: +7%
5. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +2
6. (Skill) All Dual Wield Skills: +2
7. (Bonus) Style Damage: +2
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +6
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Quickness: +6
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +40

Name: Soulbinder's Belt
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 102.75
Source Type: Loot
1. (H.P.) Hit Points: +35
2. (Resist) Body: +7%
3. (Resist) Cold: +7%
4. (Resist) Energy: +7%
5. (Resist) Heat: +7%
6. (Resist) Matter: +7%
7. (Resist) Spirit: +7%
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +40

L. Ring
Name: Band of Clandestinity
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 102
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +18
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +60
3. (Skill) Envenom: +4
4. (Skill) Stealth: +4
5. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +5
6. (Bonus) Melee Speed: +5
7. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +20

R. Ring
Name: Director's Ring of Chaos
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 93.5
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +15
2. (Stat) Quickness: +15
3. (H.P.) Hit Points: +30
4. (Resist) Heat: +6%
5. (Resist) Matter: +6%
6. (Resist) Spirit: +6%
7. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +10
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +5
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Constitution: +5

L. Wrist
Name: Bracer of the Fomor
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 100.5
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +21
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +35
3. (Resist) Crush: +4%
4. (Resist) Slash: +4%
5. (Resist) Thrust: +4%
6. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +5
7. (Skill) All Melee Skills: +4
8. (Bonus) Style Damage: +2
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Strength: +5
10. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +35

R. Wrist
Name: Gatekeeper Bracer of Chaos
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 96.16
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Dexterity: +22
2. (H.P.) Hit Points: +60
3. (Resist) Body: +4%
4. (Resist) Cold: +4%
5. (Resist) Energy: +4%
6. (Skill) Stealth: +3
7. (Bonus) Armor Factor: +10
8. (Stat Cap) Cap Dexterity: +5
9. (Stat Cap) Cap Hit Points: +30

Name: Dragon Focus Mythirian
Level: 51 (100% Quality)
Utility: 32
Source Type: Loot
1. (Stat) Strength: +3
2. (Stat) Dexterity: +3
3. (Stat) Constitution: +3
4. (Bonus) Endurance Regen: +1
5. (Bonus) Evade: +3
6. (Myth. Cap) Cap Strength: +3
7. (Myth. Cap) Cap Constitution: +3
8. (Myth. Cap) Cap Dexterity: +3

Bonuses for Dragonsworn armor pieces(Legs,Head,Hands)
Level: 51 (99% Quality)
Utility: 30
Source Type: ROG
1. (Stat) Constitution: +15
2. (Stat) Strength: +15
3. (Stat) Dexterity: +15
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Re: NS blade Template v2

ONLY 52 quickness? Even with FSLS no way ur wpn speed is capped and thats a top priority
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Re: NS blade Template v2

the Fine Steal has 25% celerity. and just a 12% realm haste I get down to 1.6 sec
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Re: NS blade Template v2

doesn't Jewel of the Haughty Warrior add more dps? I get it that fatigue is a waste...

Health 50
Melee Speed 3
Melee Damage 3
Fatigue 5
Style Damage 3
Melee All Skills 4
Cap Bonus
Max Health 50
Resist: Crush 9
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