Need a balancement in RVR

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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

First off, I do not know what a good answer for this issue is, but limited the people that can get into RvR at one time is not it. So Faction A has 30 members in NF doing deserters, and 50 players in a BG for RvR, so thats 80 realm members in RvR. Faction B doesnt have anyone doing deserters, but has the same number in RvR. So now its 50v80. Or, Faction C is maxxed out on players in RvR at the moment, now the guy leveling his new toon cant do part of his epic quest in the NF zone, or the guild wanting to run SH is unable to enter the RvR zone due to pop cap. The guild trying to help new members with the mini dragon quest is unable to enter RvR zone due to pop cap. So not only are we limited the players that can RvR, we're limiting the PvE content on the high pop faction with this system.
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

Gabryx wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 12:50 am Im opening this post for a serious discussion on balancing the number of players in RVR and on this topic I would like any answers to stay on topic.
This would be the first server that puts into practice a balancing of the players present in RVR (in my memory in normal servers, I don't know if it was put into practice in the shards because I haven't played much in the shards).

Why this balancing?
Because it is not possible to see a BG of 180 people and 2 other BGs of 40-100, so a balanced confrontation is impossible.
This leads other players to log into the realm that currently has a larger BG, and this makes the situation even worse.
The BGs in RVR are very important, because they help form groups without spending hours finding the right classes to make a party of 8 or 4 (and maybe at the first rel you have to find replacements for those who leave the group).
Certainly an 8 vs 8 battle is much more technical and requires perfect knowledge of the classes to attack first, however many players do not have much time available and it is very convenient to enter the game, join the BG and participate in the fight.
How can I balance the number of players in RVR?
The simplest solution (even at server level) is to limit the number of players in a realm to a percentage by taking into account the realm that currently has fewer players than the other 2 realms and adding a percentage between 10 and 30 percent maximum of the realm that has the fewest players.
For example if on ALB there are 100 players in RVR, the other 2 realms cannot join RVR if they have 120-130 players already in RVR (percentage to be established and test).

What can players who can't get into RVR do?
1) queue up to enter RVR
2) play in PVE zones
3) go to one of the 2 least populated realms in RVR with no realm change cooldown.
What happens if a player gets disconnected from the server or crashes while playing?
You should guarantee the server 5-8 minutes of time to keep his place in RVR, so that he can be reinvited from the same group or in other groups.

In my opinion this is the only solution to keep the server alive, otherwise we will see only one realm running in RVR taking defenseless castles ... and the players no longer logging into Daoc.
It's an important decision by the Eden staff, but in my opinion it's the only one that can save the server and make the game more attractive from the RVR side.

Hello everyone and have fun

P.S. translated with Google
Back in the old days the easy way to participate in RvR was to take the porter to Emain and walk to the milegate. Done, you are now participating in RvR with a random zerg going back and forth through emain, gaining RP for chaotically bashing enemy players in an endless grand-melee.

Now the replacement is "stick the zerg, afk raid keeps", and it is the easiest way to get RP, which is why people do it.
The Zerg keep raiding is the worst thing for RvR, because the core game content, killing players, is suddenly NOT the most important thing. Being AFK gets rewarded with static RP income from just sticking and doing home-office on the second monitor.

Unless the zerg-dumbling gameplay is discouraged the game will not change and remain the same boring afk-zerg stick-fest it has been since the first real RvR active day on Eden.
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

Alando wrote: Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:33 am
Gabryx wrote: Wed Mar 01, 2023 12:50 am Im opening this post for a serious discussion on balancing the number of players in RVR and on this topic I would like any answers to stay on topic.
This would be the first server that puts into practice a balancing of the players present in RVR (in my memory in normal servers, I don't know if it was put into practice in the shards because I haven't played much in the shards).

Why this balancing?
Because it is not possible to see a BG of 180 people and 2 other BGs of 40-100, so a balanced confrontation is impossible.
This leads other players to log into the realm that currently has a larger BG, and this makes the situation even worse.
The BGs in RVR are very important, because they help form groups without spending hours finding the right classes to make a party of 8 or 4 (and maybe at the first rel you have to find replacements for those who leave the group).
Certainly an 8 vs 8 battle is much more technical and requires perfect knowledge of the classes to attack first, however many players do not have much time available and it is very convenient to enter the game, join the BG and participate in the fight.
How can I balance the number of players in RVR?
The simplest solution (even at server level) is to limit the number of players in a realm to a percentage by taking into account the realm that currently has fewer players than the other 2 realms and adding a percentage between 10 and 30 percent maximum of the realm that has the fewest players.
For example if on ALB there are 100 players in RVR, the other 2 realms cannot join RVR if they have 120-130 players already in RVR (percentage to be established and test).

What can players who can't get into RVR do?
1) queue up to enter RVR
2) play in PVE zones
3) go to one of the 2 least populated realms in RVR with no realm change cooldown.
What happens if a player gets disconnected from the server or crashes while playing?
You should guarantee the server 5-8 minutes of time to keep his place in RVR, so that he can be reinvited from the same group or in other groups.

In my opinion this is the only solution to keep the server alive, otherwise we will see only one realm running in RVR taking defenseless castles ... and the players no longer logging into Daoc.
It's an important decision by the Eden staff, but in my opinion it's the only one that can save the server and make the game more attractive from the RVR side.

Hello everyone and have fun

P.S. translated with Google
Back in the old days the easy way to participate in RvR was to take the porter to Emain and walk to the milegate. Done, you are now participating in RvR with a random zerg going back and forth through emain, gaining RP for chaotically bashing enemy players in an endless grand-melee.

Now the replacement is "stick the zerg, afk raid keeps", and it is the easiest way to get RP, which is why people do it.
The Zerg keep raiding is the worst thing for RvR, because the core game content, killing players, is suddenly NOT the most important thing. Being AFK gets rewarded with static RP income from just sticking and doing home-office on the second monitor.

Unless the zerg-dumbling gameplay is discouraged the game will not change and remain the same boring afk-zerg stick-fest it has been since the first real RvR active day on Eden.
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

Back in the old days the easy way to participate in RvR was to take the porter to Emain

Sure, if you were an Alb or Mid. OF was horrible for RvR exactly because the focus was almost entirely in Emain and Hibernia. Alb and Mid frontiers in OF had so many LoS issues that people largely ignored them in favor of playing on the green golf course-tier zones of Hibernia.
"stick the zerg, afk raid keeps",
This is such a low IQ take that gets parroted far too often imo. It's like people are too stupid to realize that enormous open field fights happen between those keeps and towers, or that fights take place inside and outside of those keeps and towers. People run in the BG exactly because it's fun, and because it provides the massive battles that this game is, and has always been, about, since it's launch over 20 years ago.
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

Idi wrote: Sat Mar 18, 2023 7:07 am
because it provides the massive battles that this game is, and has always been, about, since it's launch over 20 years ago.




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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

Hey, i just did my last fight today, we are stopping daoc, of course this is is totally unbalanced, when i was younger it was not a problem, now i can't stand with this...

We just get banged 2v4 at yggdra, wanted to thanks succi and his friend to make us stop game that early, our wives appreciate it ^^

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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

cell_maley wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:23 pm Hey, i just did my last fight today, we are stopping daoc, of course this is is totally unbalanced, when i was younger it was not a problem, now i can't stand with this...

We just get banged 2v4 at yggdra, wanted to thanks succi and his friend to make us stop game that early, our wives appreciate it ^^

So what you're saying is, you were a duo and you went out into RvR area and you got killed by a 4man? I'm trying to figure out what exactly is wrong with this?

Make a 4man and try to find that group, or stick with duo and understand it's gonna happen?

I'm confused...
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

Zombiesomething wrote: Sun Mar 26, 2023 1:15 am
cell_maley wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:23 pm Hey, i just did my last fight today, we are stopping daoc, of course this is is totally unbalanced, when i was younger it was not a problem, now i can't stand with this...

We just get banged 2v4 at yggdra, wanted to thanks succi and his friend to make us stop game that early, our wives appreciate it ^^

So what you're saying is, you were a duo and you went out into RvR area and you got killed by a 4man? I'm trying to figure out what exactly is wrong with this?

Make a 4man and try to find that group, or stick with duo and understand it's gonna happen?

I'm confused...
Someone got gotten while looking for solo players to gank.
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

cell_maley wrote: Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:23 pm Hey, i just did my last fight today, we are stopping daoc, of course this is is totally unbalanced, when i was younger it was not a problem, now i can't stand with this...

We just get banged 2v4 at yggdra, wanted to thanks succi and his friend to make us stop game that early, our wives appreciate it ^^

People like this are the reason we're stuck in NF zerg dodging zerg attacking empty towers. Bitch constantly about every possible advantage they have instead of doing something about that.

Please go be excited for next product so we can have a REAL Classic 1.65 SI server again.
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Re: Need a balancement in RVR

Someone got gotten while looking for solo players to gank.

I'm not gonna lie, as much as I hate it when zergs kill solos, I have ZERO doubt that the person complaining would've decided to not kill a solo with his duo. They would've absolutely tried to kill any solo player they came across thus outnumbering them 2:1 yet complains when they are killed 2:1

I could be wrong here but I highly doubt it.
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