New season

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Re: New season

Id rather not see a new season and I'm sure 99% of the population doesn't want to have to level from 0 to 50 again. They would probably lose a ton of players as well. Maybe a realm rank reset but not a full wipe of levels.
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Re: New season

Karri wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 12:55 am Id rather not see a new season and I'm sure 99% of the population doesn't want to have to level from 0 to 50 again. They would probably lose a ton of players as well. Maybe a realm rank reset but not a full wipe of levels.
Yeah, I agree. One of the biggest motivations in playing MMOs is the feeling of progression, like perfecting your template. Knowing you will lose all of that every couple of months will probably lead to a huge player loss and parts of content being ignored, like Sobekite for example. Why go to the lengths and farm rare high quality ROGs, if you can't keep them?

If the slate is being wiped clean, I am not sure, if I'd stay on Eden. Largely depends, if there is competition around when it happens and what the majority of the playerbase will do.
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Re: New season

Mith wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 12:09 pm
Karri wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 12:55 am Id rather not see a new season and I'm sure 99% of the population doesn't want to have to level from 0 to 50 again. They would probably lose a ton of players as well. Maybe a realm rank reset but not a full wipe of levels.
Yeah, I agree. One of the biggest motivations in playing MMOs is the feeling of progression, like perfecting your template. Knowing you will lose all of that every couple of months will probably lead to a huge player loss and parts of content being ignored, like Sobekite for example. Why go to the lengths and farm rare high quality ROGs, if you can't keep them?

If the slate is being wiped clean, I am not sure, if I'd stay on Eden. Largely depends, if there is competition around when it happens and what the majority of the playerbase will do.
It has been said by the staff, that Eden will have seasons and wipes.

But i dont understand the person abouve, who said 0-50 is a bummer, but RP reset would be ok. 0-50 is doable in some hours, templating also super easy here and most people have spent way more time on farming RP-s compared to other stuff.

But I'm totally fine with leveling from 0 to 50 again, tbh i think its not a problem for most people, as we have seen that all new private servers get big population and everyone levels again. Stating 99% is very subjective.
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Re: New season

Chihuahua wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 12:23 pm
Mith wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 12:09 pm
Karri wrote: Mon May 15, 2023 12:55 am Id rather not see a new season and I'm sure 99% of the population doesn't want to have to level from 0 to 50 again. They would probably lose a ton of players as well. Maybe a realm rank reset but not a full wipe of levels.
Yeah, I agree. One of the biggest motivations in playing MMOs is the feeling of progression, like perfecting your template. Knowing you will lose all of that every couple of months will probably lead to a huge player loss and parts of content being ignored, like Sobekite for example. Why go to the lengths and farm rare high quality ROGs, if you can't keep them?

If the slate is being wiped clean, I am not sure, if I'd stay on Eden. Largely depends, if there is competition around when it happens and what the majority of the playerbase will do.
It has been said by the staff, that Eden will have seasons and wipes.

But i dont understand the person abouve, who said 0-50 is a bummer, but RP reset would be ok. 0-50 is doable in some hours, templating also super easy here and most people have spent way more time on farming RP-s compared to other stuff.

But I'm totally fine with leveling from 0 to 50 again, tbh i think its not a problem for most people, as we have seen that all new private servers get big population and everyone levels again. Stating 99% is very subjective.
most casual players it takes longer than a few hours to level from 0-50. takes them weeks at best.
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Re: New season

I have found that some will always argue that you can get to 50 in one day.

The truth is - the average solo player - is not getting to 50 in 1 day or even close.

I have played a lot over 2 days and have level 19 and 11 toons.

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Re: New season

I personally would rather level RAs than start from 0. Granted its a matter of choice, but I think most would rather not to have to do a complete re-roll of their characters.
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Re: New season

keep the chars loose the rps

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Re: New season

+1 whype RP and keep toons.

So the people looking for RvR challenge is satisfy as are the casuals players that do not need to spend again 6 months to get their toons lv up.
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Re: New season

+1 wipe rps
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Re: New season

DaoC and Seasons for me just doesnt sound right. But im Biased because im a Real Veteran of this Game. I played since the first Closed Beta in 2001 and for 12 Years in Total. I saw alot of Freeshards come and Go over the Years and they all fail because of the same reasons in my opinion. First Reason is they tinker to much with the Game to make to much custom Stuff. I think they do that to please the more younger Player that dont want to invest so much Time in Games like this anymore. Even if a Shard claims to be a Classic DaoC Server it is never true. If you wanna make one take the snapshot from Patch 1.64-1.65 and stick to it. No changes in anything and you have a real classic DaoC. But one thing is also true. No matter what you do, you cannot recreate the feeling from that Time. Just because it was a diffrent Time. When i log into the Game now i get very Nostalgic and all the Moments from back then pops up in my Head. But that only lasts for maybe an Hour and then you realise that its not the same. The Game hasnt aged very well no matter what you do. DaoC was always a Grind. For Levels, Gear and RR. Nowadays Gamer cry when it takes them more then a couple hours to get something done. You have to embrace the Suck of countless Hours Leveling with your Group at one Spot doing the same pulls over and over again. Back then because of that, not many People had more then One Char, maybe one Twink thats it. After you finished your Char you go RvR. PvE was only a must do to get set up for RvR. With todays Technoligies its not the same. You cannot make DaoC work with todays concepts for games. And it also shouldnt be done.

Freeshards will always fail because it is a diffrent Time now. You can recreate the Game in some Form but not the Feeling of it from back then. But i do appriciate the People behind those Projects to keep the best Game of all Time up in some Form and let People like me get this emotinal rush from time to time from back then. Thats why Freeshards drop so fast in Population. Yes, íts the same Game but not the same Feeling.

I wish you all the best of Luck to make this Server stick around. It feels more original then all the others i tried at least :)
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