Opinion of Eden

Give us your feedback on your experience on Eden
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Opinion of Eden

Before I start what will sound like a rant... I wanted to give the devs some props. The amount of content and custom things you've added to this 25 year old game is simply impressive. Thank you for the work you have done and are doing, and giving daoc players a place to play.

With that said... my first thought is... where are the players that wanted this much content to grind through? I have no problem with the game being rich with content, quests, and a downright grind... but I do a problem with it when Its forced and i need to complete an endless amount of quests, conflicts, and raids to hopefully have a templated character to RvR with.

I'm not asking for easy mode, hit 50 and template within 24 hours played, but having to grind for 2-3 weeks (probably more) to have a somewhat decent template to rvr with is insane. I recently seen a conversation within a pve/zerg guild where everyone was complaining about the grind, multiple currency types, and forced quests/contents. Like I just mentioned, that's coming from a pve/zerg guild who prefer a grind and quests...

Why are there so many different types of currencies? Why were dungeons and bosses made to require full raids of multiple groups? Was this done to orient the server more towards pve? Or slow down progress of people getting out to rvr? Also, if completing all these quests and conflicts is the way to a completed character, why put such long respawn timers on needed bosses, etc?

I've been playing DAoC since beta, and have played on uth 1 & 2, argain, Phoenix, celetius, and others. I actually liked what you guys did on celetius, but I understood it was kind of a testing ground for you, and I don't blame you for trying to add so much to the game, but im afraid you may push off a large number of your player base with this grind. There's definitely still some hard-core "poop socking" players left out there, but I'd say the majority of daoc players are "casuals" as most are older now, and have families, and jobs, etc, and can't commit to 10 hour play days to get templated and out in rvr.

Just my two cents, take it or leave it.
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Re: Opinion of Eden

this... 100%. I already find myself playing less and less. The number of raids and the amount of pve required to get going after hitting 50 is just horrendous.
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Re: Opinion of Eden

I have played since daoc launch aswell. US side.
I agree with you. 100%

Never in my mind i thought they would go heavy on the PVE side. PVE running quests all over the maps. Slow spawn timers on mobs. Not enough of mobs. If there is even one more doing the same quest that dosn't want to group, you have to leech or just leave the place. No point on being there.
The questing are. Boring.
The non repeatable BG quest's make the battlegrounds dead.
The siege treant is a nice addition. But just to powerful.

And then comes the end game. They just did not deliver on this as you write.
My friends i started with are old hard cores. Some have left already. And most are logging in just like me to log out again some minutes later.

I really liked the dedication they had. And all the things they did. But they focused way to much as an asian pve game that takes tons of time to get to the "end game".
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Re: Opinion of Eden

Thank you all for the valuable feedback. I know it sounds like 'corporate speak' but we do listen to all of the feedback and discuss it among the team on a daily basis.

We are only a week from launch and have been focused (dev cycle wise) on ensuring stability and fixing the minor hiccups that have occurred that required reboots.

We promise you we will continue to monitor the situation and adjust as needed. Thank you all for your patience with us.
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Re: Opinion of Eden

Shandril wrote: Mon Dec 19, 2022 7:33 am Thank you all for the valuable feedback. I know it sounds like 'corporate speak' but we do listen to all of the feedback and discuss it among the team on a daily basis.

We are only a week from launch and have been focused (dev cycle wise) on ensuring stability and fixing the minor hiccups that have occurred that required reboots.

We promise you we will continue to monitor the situation and adjust as needed. Thank you all for your patience with us.
Thank you taking the time to read and reply.
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Re: Opinion of Eden

I don't think its slow at all and its easy to gear thanks to currencies. It was a lot worse on live trying to gear and hitting stagnation. Here, even if you lose a roll, you still get currency.
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Re: Opinion of Eden

Adding to this hopefully amplifying the feedback. Starting with the positive, that the server is running great and it is great to be in the game again seeing so many familiar faces and the society live again.

But... Find myself chasing a grind.. chasing a dragon spawn and raid... looking at herald to check last kill time etc. Asking guildies to msg when it is up, so I by chance can log in and join. No success for days and days.

Close to concluding that it is impossible to 1) Time the playtime I have in a busy life with work friends and family with 2) the respawn timers and actual raids

I enjoy the PVE and PVE spirit of DAOC, but the RVR is the prioritized gameplay I look for.. And as friends ask about reviews of the server, right now my feedback to them if they contemplate on joining is that it is "rough"

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Re: Opinion of Eden

Seems fine its so easy i feel like fun times
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Re: Opinion of Eden

I hope you guys are listening to peoples feed back. Uthgard didn't and well, it started great, they didn't make adjustments, which really isn't that hard., and died. Really all you got to do is let people have buffs and decent gear while leveling. Make it hard and people will just simply quit. I'm really being honest, this server wont be here in 6 months. Dead in 3 months in current form.
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Re: Opinion of Eden

I agree 100% on this also my friends stopped playing because the grind is way too much…
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