Zombi Rezz Meta in BG scale

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Re: Zombi Rezz Meta in BG scale

Zombies taking dmg. Maybe try assist with zerg?
eld rr5... you know it was buggy before the fix. It was not really a nerf. It wasn´t working as intended and it took a long time to fix the bug.

Yes. Cleric and healer got stun, but they won´t deal dmg in a bg scale situation. So you have to coordinate atleast 2 players. 1 with stun and one with dmg. 50% of the hibcaster (=dmg dealer) have a non spec needed baseline stun. Dunno how difficult it is to see the difference. Have you tried to "dodge" 30 casters with baselinestun? XD

Easier to dodge a moving corpse than several range cast spells fropm different players and you don´t see their target. A walking corpse have to run to players... not difficult to see, if you don´t stack.
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Re: Zombi Rezz Meta in BG scale

If they get rid Monster rezz they would have give Albion other counters to the hibs and mids.

So what cabby sorc Thergist get quick cast 9 secound stun

Hertic can Summon Mystical crows which sit in random places there not suppose to with all same abilitys as hibs mushrooms..

Imagin haveing anthour realm thats sits camping in towers keeps and pve doors to make sure they have tower keeps to sit in when people log online to play.

Most caster friendly server i seen since DAOC started and most overpowerd caster realm constantly complains that there is a counter to there camping tactics. Which are encoraged daily by leader who takes empty towers keeps for them to be ready camp in when majority log in to play.

Camping tactics likes this are punsihed in most modern games. Would be more fun if the less tower and keeps Albion owned the more damage the zombies did.
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Re: Zombi Rezz Meta in BG scale

so u guys admit its overpowered, theres nothing to be tuned down.
but u guys need it to bash hibs. allright.
always same baseline stun qq. never heard about changing this since daoc released. its hillarious.
the way zombie rezz works now is way to overpowered.
eld rr5 was a bug, but unbreakable charge on tanks are intended?^^

just give rezz a cd maybe, reduce ruptrange or make it not rupting like gtaoe, or limit zombie on field like shrooms in area.
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Re: Zombi Rezz Meta in BG scale

The maintopic of the thread is to "remove" heretic by just custom nerfing one of his unique mechanics. The baseline stun was only a example from mid/alb perspective and it impacts much more than the zombie rezz. It goes from solo over small men over fg until bg scale rvr. The monster rezz is NOT overpowered. Most people are just brainafk. YOu can´t camp, if you know there are tics and rezzable dead people.

Like i´ve said. There was a tic overhaul on live. I guess most people are fine to implement the live heretic monster rezz, if it´s possible, including (!) with the other changes.

Charge has 2 problems: 1. veeery low cd and 2. no break after offensive strike. BUT it´s live like and intended. The newest live like version has charge as baseline ability for those classes.
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Re: Zombi Rezz Meta in BG scale

bAshl0r wrote: Wed May 22, 2024 5:38 pm

(little hint: minstrel has SOS and instant AOE mezz RR5, if a theurgist would follow you had instant AOE stun as well, needs coordination that u fail to do obiously Gilboom)
As usual from certain Hibs ... no arguments and only personal attacks and offence ... so ridicoulous.
You just define yourself like this GG.

Your hint is pure shit because the only thing you are able to do (apart PvEdoors ofc) is hide in tower and bomb away in moc with 15 pbaoers .. would you think a minis or a theurg can survive ? they just die instant before reaching the top of the stairs ... yes great tactic my general :lol:

I read someone compare Cleric stun with Hib baseline stun ? Really ? :lol:

Come on Alb and show us ... how a HEALER busy keeping his groupmates alive can let all die just to land a stun :P and anyway to kill the guys stunned you need a fire wiz assist instantly ... If, and i repeat, IF the cleric can land the stun, because a briton cleric doesnt have quickcast and/or the speedcast of a luri caster ... the most probable outcome in this confrontation is luri stunnning the cleric and just kill him before stun wears off ... ah, maybe 1 time every 10 mins he can save himself with purge and instant heals ... meanwhile half of his grp is dead :lol:

Awesome hint.

All i see here is Hib tears because you have something you cant stun and you are lost ... ok go on.
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Re: Zombi Rezz Meta in BG scale

Gildar wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 12:33 pm As usual from certain Hibs ... no arguments and only personal attacks and offence ... so ridicoulous.


All i see here is Hib tears because you have something you cant stun and you are lost ... ok go on.
Practice what you preach.

There were a lot of arguments already made, which you ignored, and claimed BASELINE STUN like it's some kind of Godwin's Law.
OFC people get testy when there are no good faith arguments being made. Please keep spells and abilities that are not relevant to chokepoint pushes out of the discussion.

If you want to contribute, for example discuss the most pressing issue that was brought up: No counterplay, especially in keeps. I'd love to hear how you deal with the constant interrupts. Note the similarity to GTAE, which was changed to no longer interrupt by the way.
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Re: Zombi Rezz Meta in BG scale

.karidas wrote: Fri May 24, 2024 5:41 pm
Practice what you preach.

There were a lot of arguments already made, which you ignored, and claimed BASELINE STUN like it's some kind of Godwin's Law.
OFC people get testy when there are no good faith arguments being made. Please keep spells and abilities that are not relevant to chokepoint pushes out of the discussion.

If you want to contribute, for example discuss the most pressing issue that was brought up: No counterplay, especially in keeps. I'd love to hear how you deal with the constant interrupts. Note the similarity to GTAE, which was changed to no longer interrupt by the way.
Practice what?

We´ve had a nice tower fight yesterday against hib as defender. Hibs pushed outside with their pbaoe caster and jumped from tower from behind and the miracle happened.... albs died (also with a lot ot monster rezzes). Dunno if hib were just more people or not, but that was what i mean. Zombie rezz is not op, you just can´t camp stacked on one location.

There is no "practice" against single stun from several dozen people. You can hide and wait until they kill you with bombs after doors are down or you "try" to range cast and will be most likely killed after purge is down. And now tell me a "zombie" can kill you alone easily. Yes they rupt, but you don´t have to wait there. Plus you have still access to quickcast and moc. We´re talking about zergfights. Not everyone have to use it at the same time. And the healers are most likely at a more safe spot and can just spam spreadheal. Chokepoints are the "last defense". 90% of the fight are not happening at chokepoints.

Plus most of the hib casters have access to pbaoe spell for chokepoints. They don´t need points for spec dd in zerg fights. ToA bonus, the amount of casters and single stun are enough for that. ^^
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