So i was pulled in with my gf and my friend

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So i was pulled in with my gf and my friend

so mind you my gf she has never played this game stand their healing my shrooms. and my friend was with me we were just all hanging out killing ants we got pulled into a df room i was accused of botting. we did all things he wanted me to do and he took off yes i get im hard to comprehend sometimes and im sorry i sufferd a tbi a few years back and have been struggleing with it at times . but to be rude to me when i just dint understand was happing to fast for me and my girlfriend was freaking out becouse she no idea what was going on emotions for her was to much but even after i was trying to do what they asked me but again was not understanding he was very rude to me did not even listen to what i was trying to say my friend in discord was trying to help me talk to him becouse i was overwhelmed was actually so uncalled for i played the original at launch and still do i have never ones been baned or accused in any game before i could understand mistakes happen but the way i was treated was uncalled for i always try show most respect a little would have been nice if you would have even listend to me my brain is damaged and i suffer from impairments. you blind sided me and i was over stimulated. and panic mode . in all nothing was nothing hey sorry for the mistake nothing so i was pulled in every thing was good could have acknowlaged me as a human. just in all maybe you should head this advice you dont always know yes i get some peaople are awful but i was just chilling hanging with my gf and friend had you let me say 2 words i would told you i have issue why im little slower and even worse understress. --
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Re: So i was pulled in with my gf and my friend

I pulled you in. You were in a 3 man group with a friend (Enchanter or Mentalist?) and you (Animist) and another account (Bard) being played from the same IP.

We watch people for over 15 minutes before pulling them in to check whether it is two players playing or one player operating two accounts. During that 15 minute span it seemed very obvious that one player was operating both the Animist and the Bard.
- Bard character stopping, the Animist getting hastener and NPC buffs.
- The Animist stopping, theBard getting hastener and NPC buffs.
- The Animist running from monsters, the Bard standing and doing nothing.

etc etc. It's a very obvious pattern. You were pulled into the testing area to check whether it was 2 people available.
All three of you were given enough time to respond whether you understood the tasks, and your girlfriend did not make any attempts to ask for more time either. Being fast is a requirement so people don't call their son or daughter or mother or whoever to help them avoid a ban.

You two passed the test so nothing happened. This is a routine check for people playing from the same location and displaying these play patterns.