Pet's speed from Speed of the Hunt (mostly Necro)

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Pet's speed from Speed of the Hunt (mostly Necro)

Bug : All pets (including Necromancer's) are inheriting master's speed when out of combat but loses it when asked to attack.

- Spell : Attack order on all pets
- Steps to reproduce the bug :
Get a pet (or summon one) and use speed of the hunt
Start running. The master runs at 174% and pet aswell (inherits from master to keep up)
Ask the pet to attack a target. The pet's speed instantly drops to 100% (regular speed).

It mostly hurts pet classes that do not have speed pulses (Spiritmasters, Necromancers, Mentalists, Cabalists) because the use of Speed of the Hunt is not given to the pet. Very impacting for Necromancer's since everything it does is pet based.
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Re: Pet's speed from Speed of the Hunt (mostly Necro)

This is a suggestion, not a bug.