Stand up using Strafe issues

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Isa Terra
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Sit command.

I am dragged sit command from command list into quickbar. After death or changing location (dungeon and etc) that sit command in quicjbar is changing for RL wich is release. It's quite uncomfortable to drag this comman to quickbar everytime u going on xp. Will it be changed or its happening as it planned?
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Standing up by strafe spam (minor)


When standing up by using forward or backward, it works fine.
When standing up by using strafe left or right, you also stand up and move but the system message "you must be standing still to sit down" will be triggered many times per second until you stop strafing. Also the toon will try and sit down again while strafing.

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Stand up using Strafe issues

This has been posted before but I don't think there was enough information to action it and that thread has now been locked.

If sitting down, and you press forward or backwards to stand up, you do so immediately without any message other than 'You stand up'.

However, if you stand up by strafing, rather than pressing forwards or backwards an unexpected / kind of buggy experience takes place.

Essentially your character immediately stands up visually, but it's not actually stood up from the games perspective - you get spam 'You must be standing still to sit down' and if you try and cast anything you get 'You can't cast whilst sitting'.

To recreate simply sit down anywhere in game and then attempt to strafe left or right to stand.

I've attached 2 screenshots - the first is by pressing the screenshot shortcut key in DAoC - it clearly shows at the time of the screenshot being taken my character was standing.
The second was a print-screen a moment later after the 'You stand you' message appeared.
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Re: Stand up using Strafe issues

just adding a bit more detail -

when you strafe out of sitting, the "stuck in sitting" mode will continue indefinitely until you move forward/backward
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Re: Stand up using Strafe issues

Thank you TheImplication and mustard. This issue has been resolved and will be applied after next server reboot.
Isa Terra and Taishan please take note.