DF being opened to ALL Realms

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DF being opened to ALL Realms

No lie, this is a really bad decision on the dev team's part. I love almost everything else about this server so far, but DF open to all realms is ridiculous.

I'd rather not have it at all than get comfortable and then get rolled EVERY DAMN TIME I go in there. It's a waste of time and planning.

And for all you people who are going to cry about only one realm having it if they changed it back to the way it is supposed to be...go RVR.
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Re: DF being opened to ALL Realms

I loath/hate to admit it, but i agree. I love pvp and was on Mordred till it died.. (may you rest in peace my dear Friend). me/Reaver and my brother/BD used to sit inside Fort Gwyntel and jump the poor souls who dared ventured in. Reaver/Awake and Bone Dancer/Papasmerf for hours, days, weeks and months. To have DF, which i love, open to all with out the risk of being booted out if your realm does not own it takes away from the game. However, having it open adds to the experience and joy knowing i can returned to DF w/e. Getting jumped every 10min is frustrating and downright unenjoyable for people who want to enjoy the atmosphere of this great and perhaps the best dungeon in the game. So i propose a compromise.. every even hour we can rest and enjoy ourselves to the wonders DF has to offer and every odd hour? well, put your panties on boys we going to war. This is enough time to score some realm points and not be enough of hindrance for somebody to leave. port and come back after the hour is up you may ask? sure... you can, but im sure this would get old very fast. log out and play another toon.. sure...... you can, but this would get old as well. this is only one example of what can be done, but i do believe the O/P has a valid gripe. i will add this, if the fix requires just going back to the old way i for 1 say hell no...
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Re: DF being opened to ALL Realms

Correct me if I am wrong, but the devs initially said that DF would not be open to all realms after the first months and only to one realm, but they were adding a mechanic that could force DF open.
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Re: DF being opened to ALL Realms

I disagree with the original post.

DF open to all realms allows one to have an opportunity to engage in pvp while also farming for coin/salvage breaking up the monotony. and allows realms that don't normally have access to df, normally alb and mid. though this server seems albs and mids are playing in hib land most the time so Hibs numbers aren't outweighing atm. as for leveling up. df isn't even the best xp, do the quests and bgs to level it's faster than grinding.
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Re: DF being opened to ALL Realms

Having DF open to all realms has done nothing but create an opportunity for cancerous players to grief lowbies, and players in combat with mobs, 24/7, and pad their rp totals. It was a horrible idea to keep it open at all times and should be rectified.

Make ownership tower based, so even small numbers of motivated players can open it for their realms. As it stands now, DF is just trash.
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Re: DF being opened to ALL Realms

Idi wrote: Wed Jan 25, 2023 11:30 pm Having DF open to all realms has done nothing but create an opportunity for cancerous players to grief lowbies, and players in combat with mobs, 24/7, and pad their rp totals. It was a horrible idea to keep it open at all times and should be rectified.

Make ownership tower based, so even small numbers of motivated players can open it for their realms. As it stands now, DF is just trash.
100% correct.
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Re: DF being opened to ALL Realms

i don't understand the decision of having it open to all realms. i mean, i guess it sucks to want to buy something from the vendors and not being able to because your realm doesn't own df but other than that ...? it was always like that. wanted something from the merchants but your realm doesn't have df? well, tough titties. go do some rvr and take it for your realm. also, having it open to all realms removes the small incentive of doing rvr to get access to df.

currently, you can't solo farm in df and you have to stick to grouping, and you've got enemy stealthers living in the entrances all day all night just killing lowbies and people using the merchants. i just avoid that place altogether now because as a solo caster it's not a good experience, but that's my problem i guess.

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Re: DF being opened to ALL Realms

If DF wasn't open to all i wouldn't have been able to ST around 80 of the Hib support as they were on Legion with my 47 Friar and get our 81 Alb BG around 180-200 kills lol. I mean yes it totally sucks if you want to level in DF, but the raids and the fights inside over said raids are simply incredible, some of the best fun there is IMO.
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Re: DF being opened to ALL Realms

Fun fighting in raids? Seriously? You are saying that you can have fun when 200+ ppl fight in a closed space, with no effects (or you'll just become blind), no names, continuos interrupts, only aoe spamming or anytime spamming... a fight that usually lasts no more than 1 minute before one of the factions gets wiped. And the gain is maybe 500rps and the satisfaction of making the enemy realm waste a lot of time to form a raid and then get wiped. This to me seems the way to make DF/SH raids simply less charming, unless you have a BG with 100+ ppl. ....funny....

Ok, I understand that for some this could be fun, for me it seems a complete mess and nothing funny at all. It removes a lot of action from Frontier zones and makes people angry for the time wasted to set up the Raid and never come back to it again (myself first, will never do a DF raid again, I prefer doing fast dragons and convert currency if I'll ever need seals again).
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Re: DF being opened to ALL Realms

Im good with it either way, but I'd say putting it on a rotating schedule. Monday to Sunday, week 1 open to all realms, week 2 open to Alb, week 3 open to all realms, week 4 open to Hib, week 5 open to all realms, week 6 open to Mid. then repeat. Worst case its closed to your realm for a week. But every 6 weeks your realm has it to itself for a week.
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