Bow DMG element change spells not applying to shots

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Bow DMG element change spells not applying to shots

Whenever you attack a dummy and utilize its built-in damage tracker which tells you not only the damage statistics but also the type of damage you are doing (slash; blunt; thrust; heat) based on the type of attack you are performing, the Fire Arrow shows fire properly but when you attack normally it says Slash (I assume it is intended like this thus I will say default slash damage); however, the problem them occurs when you press the "Blunt" or "Thrust" Arrows skill that is supposed to change the arrow damage type from Slash to Thrust or Blunt.

Sadly, it is not changing the arrow damage type according to the dummies' damage tracker when you right-click them and choose to monitor the damage type & its element (melee/spell). The dummy I have utilized is the Practice Dummy. It does not matter what kind of skill I am using in the Archery skill line that shoots an arrow with default slashing damage applied. This even occurs if it was supposed to be restricted to the Standard Shot skill only -- the arrow damage type is not changing despite trying the Blunt Arrows / Thrusting Arrows damage type spells that are supposed to change the default Slashing damage type to a Blunt / Thrust damage type. Now I do not know if it's supposed to change skills outside of the Slashing damage element (like Heat -> Blunt/Thrust) but I do know those that have the Slashing damage applied when you identify a skill are not being changed as it should.

Skills involved:
  • Blunt Arrows
    Thrusting Arrows
    Slashing Arrows
Skills being affected that have Slashing damage for the Archery skill line (that I know of since I am under level 20 on Ranger/Hunter/Scout that I have tested this on):
  • Long Shot
    Power Shot
    Point Blank Shot
    Critical Shot
    Rapid Fire
    Standard Shot
I don't think this was intentional for the spells not to work as I have mentioned above but if it is intended to keep blunt and thrust damage away from bows, please let me know. As it stands, it is affecting bow damage for those of us that primarily play ranger/scout/hunter as much as we can and then try to engage in melee to finish the enemy off. I would say ranger/scout may be more affected solely because they don't have a pet to help with the damage output as hunters do this would mean they feel the loss in damage more due to the inability to switch damage type from slash/blunt/thrust since damage loss is not being compensated by an additional force (in this case for hunters would be its pet(s)).

This can be easily tested on a Practice Dummy by just making any of the range classes that have those skills I mentioned above and can switch their damage elements using its Blunt/Thrusting/Slashing Arrows spell that changes the damage type for skills that does Slash damage.
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